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locAl sport                      Friday 15 June 2018

            Aruba’s NOORD F.C. Director & Head Coach Brain Van Den Bergh

            Making Major Moves.

                                                                      Erasmus  who  came  in  the         formance.             emy Noord F.C through an
                                                                      month  of  May  this  year.     •   Formation,  capac-    efficient business manage-
                                                                      Next year Brain will be back        ity and instruction of  ment  geared  toward  the
                                                                      in  Aruba  to  continue  his        our  technical  corp  promotion  of  the  inherent
                                                                      amazing work for the good           under  the  game  values  of  sport,  the  social
                                                                      development  of  the  foot-         philosophy of our in-  integration    of  the  Aruban
                                                                      ball on the island of Aruba.        stitution.            inhabitants,  the  develop-
                                                                                                      •   Development      of  ment  of  the  local  football
                                                                      NOORD F.C. OBJECTIVES AS            high  level  football  as a sport and the improve-
                                                                      A FOOTBALL COLLEGE:                 players in our island.  ment  in  quality  of  football
                                                                          •   Inculcate  values  in   •   Formation of young  as an entertainment activ-
                                                                             our  institution’s  stu-     players  that  might  ity. q
            ORANJESTAD─Brian       van  have  the  opportunity  of           dents based on: re-          be  the  relief  gen-
            den  Bergh  has  been  hired  playing a match in the San-        spect, responsibility,       eration  of  the  na-  Groups & Schedule
            by the Real Madrid Founda-   tiago Bernabeu Stadium.             discipline,   under-         tional football team  Under 7 years
            tion as Camp leader for the                                      standing,   brother-         of Aruba.             Tuesday
            summer. He’ll be working in  Brian  van  den  Bergh  has         hood and equality.       •   Export   local   tal-  Wednesday
            Bergamo and Brescia from  been  studying  since  No-          •   Training  players  at       ent  to  professional  Thursday
            the  25   June  till  the  13   of  vember with the FA to ob-    early  ages  in  order       teams overseas.       Time: 15:00 - 16:00
            July, and later on in the UK  tain  his  UEFA  License.  Cur-    to  be  able  to  work   •   Maintain  and  cre-
            (Wales,  England)  from  the  rently  he’s  the  U23’s  man-     from the basis.              ate  new  alliances  Under 10 years
            30  of July till September 1 .  ager  and  Head  coach        •   Training  players  un-      with   international  Tuesday till Friday
                                         of  the  youth  academy  of         der the same game            teams.                Time: 17:00 - 18:30
            His responsibilities will be to  Greenwich  Borough  FC          philosophy  in  all      •   Expand our horizons
            command,  organize  and  and  also  doing  programs              their  stages  of  de-       and  strengthen  our  Under 13 years
            supervise  the  staff,  coach-  with Noord F.C.                  velopment.                   position  as  a  rec-  Tuesday till Friday
            es  and  player  under  the                                   •   Form  players  un-          ognized  institution  Time: 17:00 - 18:30
            training  program  and  vi-  Brain work from a distance          der  an  intensive           for its excellence in
            sion  of  Real  Madrid.  It  will  with the Aruba players also   theoretical,  visual,        sport.                Female
            also  be  his  responsibility  to  to  give  them  the  opportu-  physical,  technical,                             Tuesday
            inform  the  club  about  po-  nities to come and do trail       tactical  and  nutri-  NOORD F.C. Mission          Wednesday
            tential  player  to  do  trail  in  and  training  with  the  pro-  tional plan, in order  The  mission  of  this  institu-  Thursday
            the  sport  complex  of  Real  fessional  club:  Charlton        to  achieve  a  high  tion  is  the  growth  and  de-  Saturday (06:00)
            Madrid  (Valdebebas)  and  Athletic as he did for Samir          level of football per-  velopment  of  the  acad-  Time: 19:00 - 20:30
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