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A4   U.S. NEWS
                     Thursday 3 May 2018

            Co-author of Dodd-Frank says bill's foundation will survive

            By KEVIN FREKING                                                                       crafted   alongside   Sen.  threshold,  $50  billion,  "re-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                               Christopher   Dodd,     D-   ally  was  too  low."  He  said
            dent Donald Trump vowed                                                                Conn.,  boosted  govern-     he  prefers  $125  billion  and
            to  do  a  "big  number  on"                                                           ment  oversight  of  banks  indexed to grow with infla-
            the  banking  law  enacted                                                             in a bid to reduce risk and  tion. The Senate bill moves
            after  the  financial  crisis  a                                                       prevent  another  financial  the threshold to $250 billion.
            decade ago, but the law's                                                              meltdown  like  the  one  Frank  said  that's  a  mistake
            co-author  and  namesake                                                               in  2008.  At  the  urging  of  "but not a terrible one."
            says he's confident that the                                                           banks,  credit  unions  and  "I would have liked a bigger
            essence of Dodd-Frank will                                                             other  financial  institutions,  margin of error," he said.
            survive  Republican  efforts                                                           Congress is seeking easing  Frank  now  serves  on  the
            to dismantle it.                                                                       some  of  the  regulatory  re-  board of directors at Signa-
            "It's  much  better  than                                                              quirements the bill created.  ture Bank, which has offices
            where I thought we would                                                               The  chief  feature  of  the  in New York and Connecti-
            be,"  former  Democratic       In  this  Dec.  12,  2012,  file  photo,  Rep.  Barney  Frank,  D-Mass.,   Senate  bill  is  that  it  would  cut  and  which  has  advo-
            Rep.  Barney  Frank  of  Mas-  speaks about his impending retirement during an interview with   shrink the number of banks  cated  moving  the  thresh-
            sachusetts said recently.    The Associated Press on Capitol Hill in Washington.       that received extra govern-  old  to  at  least  $100  billion.
            Sitting  outside  the  House                                          Associated Press   ment  monitoring  because  The  bank  argues  that  it
            chambers  recently  doing                                                              they are deemed so impor-    should  not  be  subject  to
            a  crossword  puzzle,  Frank  in  the  Senate.  The  Senate  tions.                    tant  to  the  economy.  The  the  same  standards  as  a
            sounded  rather  pleased  bill,  a  bipartisan  measure,  To  be  clear,  Frank  said  he  bill raises the asset threshold  “truly complex, systemically
            that whatever happens this  is  decidedly  more  mod-     would have voted against  at which banks must com-        important  trillion-dollar  fi-
            year,  the  Dodd-Frank  act  est.  Republican  leaders  both  versions.  But  he  con-  ply with stricter capital and  nancial institution.”
            will live on. The Republican-  from the two chambers are  siders the Senate bill an "af-  planning  requirements,  in-  Frank said what the Senate
            controlled  House  passed  now  trying  to  work  out  a  firmation" of most of Dodd-  cluding  yearly  stress  tests  bill doesn’t do is why Dodd-
            legislation  to  dramatically  compromise that can pass  Frank.                        and developing "living wills"  Frank will live on. The bureau
            scale  back  the  govern-    both chambers and get to  "Given  the  choice,  I  can  for an orderly liquidation in  has returned about $12 bil-
            ment's oversight role, but it  the president's desk before  live with it," Frank said.  times of crisis.            lion to people wronged by
            has no chance of passage  November's  midterm  elec-      Dodd-Frank,  which  Frank  Frank  said  the  current  financial institutions.q

            Republican House members seek Nobel Peace Prize for Trump

                                                                      working out the details of a  made  the  suggestion  in  a  support  for  Trump  has  be-
                                                                      historic  summit  that  could  letter  Wednesday  sent  to  come  a  litmus  test  for  Re-
                                                                      take  place  by  the  end  of  members of the Norwegian  publican  voters.  The  law-
                                                                      May  or  early  June.  Yet  an  Nobel  Committee.  It  was  makers  who  signed  the
                                                                      agreement  by  which  the  signed by 18 Republicans.      letter are among the most
                                                                      North would give up its nu-  The  letter  said  that  North  conservative  in  the  House.
                                                                      clear  weapons  and  allow  Korea  has  long  ignored  The group includes several
                                                                      for  the  world  to  confirm  it  international   demands  other  lawmakers  who  are
                                                                      still seems far off.         to  cease  its  aggressions  also  running  for  governor
                                                                      The  United  States  has  but  that  Trump's  "peace  or  senator  in  Republican-
                                                                      reached  aid-for-disarma-    through  strength  policies  leaning  or  strongly  GOP
                                                                      ment  deals  with  North  Ko-  are  working"  and  bringing  states.  Among  them:  Rep.
                                                                      rea  before,  but  they've  ul-  North Korea to the negoti-  Marsha  Blackburn,  who  is
                                                                      timately failed.             ating table.                 running  for  a  Senate  seat
                                                                      Recent comments from the  It  said  the  Trump  adminis-  in  Tennessee;  Rep.  Kevin
                                                                      leaders  of  the  two  Koreas  tration  united  China  and  Cramer, who is running for
            In this April 30, 2018, photo, Rep. Luke Messer, R-Ind., speaks   have raised hopes. Trump's  others  in  imposing  strict  the  Senate  in  North  Dako-
            during the Indiana Republican Senate primary debate in India-  supporters  on  Capitol  Hill  sanctions.  "The  sanctions  ta; Rep. Evan Jenkins, who
            napolis.                                                  are  pushing  the  idea  that  have decimated the North  is running for the Senate in
                                                     Associated Press  he  deserves  a  Nobel,  and  Korean   economy    and  West  Virginia;  and  Jim  Re-
                                                                      Trump  clearly  enjoyed  it  have been largely credited  nacci,  who  is  running  for
            By KEVIN FREKING             Donald  Trump  because  of  Saturday  when  supporters  for bringing North Korea to  a U.S. Senate seat in Ohio.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  his  work  to  ease  nuclear  at  a  Michigan  rally  began  the negotiating table," the  Rep.  Diane  Black,  anoth-
            group  of  House  Republi-   tensions with North Korea.   chanting "Nobel" as he talk-  nomination letter stated.   er  signatory  to  the  letter,
            cans  is  seeking  the  Nobel  Trump  and  North  Korean  ed about North Korea.        Messer  is  running  for  the  is  running  for  governor  in
            Peace  Prize  for  President  leader  Kim  Jong  Un  are  Rep.  Luke  Messer,  R-Ind.,  Senate  in  Indiana,  where  Tennessee.q
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