Page 2 - ATA - COMBINE
P. 2
LOCALSaturday 3 January 2015
Family De Courcey honored by Aruba Tourism Authority!
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, ored for visiting Aruba for nique Sylvania, Manager The reason they gave for blue ocean, our friendly
Darline S. de Cuba hon- 26 years consecutively. of the Members Relations returning here are the fan- people and diverse restau-
ored loyal guests at the The De Courcey family sure Department. tastic sunsets, beautiful rants and casinos.q
Casa del Mar as Goodwill did enjoy their vacation in
Ambassadors of Aruba. Aruba together with the
The symbolic honorary title family Daughter Shari Ro-
is presented in the name of mano & Granddaughter
the Minister of Tourism as a Danielle Romano, Mother
token of appreciation to and friends.�
guests who visit Aruba for The certificate was pre-
20-or-more consecutive sented to them by Ms. Dar-
years. line S. de Cuba represent-
The honorees are Jim and ing Aruba Tourism Authority
Donella De Courcey, hon- in the presence of Mrs. Mo-
LOCALSaturday 3 January 2015
Family De Courcey honored by Aruba Tourism Authority!
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, ored for visiting Aruba for nique Sylvania, Manager The reason they gave for blue ocean, our friendly
Darline S. de Cuba hon- 26 years consecutively. of the Members Relations returning here are the fan- people and diverse restau-
ored loyal guests at the The De Courcey family sure Department. tastic sunsets, beautiful rants and casinos.q
Casa del Mar as Goodwill did enjoy their vacation in
Ambassadors of Aruba. Aruba together with the
The symbolic honorary title family Daughter Shari Ro-
is presented in the name of mano & Granddaughter
the Minister of Tourism as a Danielle Romano, Mother
token of appreciation to and friends.�
guests who visit Aruba for The certificate was pre-
20-or-more consecutive sented to them by Ms. Dar-
years. line S. de Cuba represent-
The honorees are Jim and ing Aruba Tourism Authority
Donella De Courcey, hon- in the presence of Mrs. Mo-