Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20170624
P. 26

Diasabra 24 Juni 2017 CONDOLENCIA

             The LORD is my shepherd
             I shall not want
             He makes me lie down in green pastures.
             He leads me beside still waters.
             He restores my soul                              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada  “Señor ta mi wardado, mi’n tin falta di nada. Den
             Psalm 23 vers. 1 & 2                             Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.  cunucu  di  yerba  berde  e  ta  lagami  sosega.E  ta
                                                              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                    hibami
             With deep sorrow we announced the passing of:    Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                       na awa trankil pa mi bolbe haya forsa”. Salmo: 23
                                                              Salmo: 23
                                                                                                             Cu duele den nos curazon pero agradicido pa tur
                                                              A bay laga nos inesperadamente                 loke ela significa pa nos y conforme boluntad di
                                                                                                             Dios nos ta participa fayecimento di:

                      Edith Joseph- Duncan
                            Better known as: “Maachie”
                    Sunrise 07-06-1923 - Sunset 14-06-2017
                      †Mr Horban Joseph (late husband)
             Cynthia and Smarty Eledu- Joseph
                            ST Vincent  and the Grenadines.            Luciano José
             Leotta and Kola Adeyina- Joseph        Nigeria
             † Goff  Joseph                                                                                           Léone Colette
             Avro and Monica Joseph-Paul   Aruba                   Gregorio Maduro
             Jardine Thomas- Joseph         UK                         *02-05-1977  - †23-06-2017
             Clayo Andrea Joseph           Aruba                                                                       Paris-Bezout
             Raymond and Maxine Joseph- Oats     St Maarten
             Sonny and Judith Joseph- Inesia   Aruba          Na nomber di su:                                          (viuda di François Paris)
             Theresita and Elmert Polonia- Joseph  Aruba      Mama:                                              Cariñosamente yama “Lolone of Lonchi”
             Norma and Albertis Murray-Joseph     Aruba       Sra. vda. Adelcia Maduro-v/der Biezen (Didi)             *23-12-1924 - †21-06-2017
             Johnny and  Gena Joseph        Aruba
             Yvonne and Orville Richardson -JosephSt Maarten  Rumannan:                                      Na nomber di:
             Glen and Elisabeth Joseph- Giron    Aruba        Sabira y Alvin Tromp-Maduro                    Yiunan: Guyto y Ofelia Paris-Wever
             Niece                                            Omira y Jopy Schwengle-Maduro                          Patrick y Cynthia Paris-Sutherland
             Yvette Duncan                Aruba               Maroushka y Yvo Koopmans-Maduro                        Marie-France y Simon Arends-Paris
             Grandchildren:                                   Sobrinonan:                                    François y Nicole Paris-Bijker (Hulanda)
             Ekoziem  & Oral Allen- Eledu    USA              Michael Curié y Nirvana Tromp                   Jason y Rushmi Paris-Karim (Merca)
             Segun & Kofo Adeyina- Aladade    USA             Jean-Claude Schwengle y Luiguitte Hernandez    Richard y Arleen Arends-Oduber
             Sayo & Tokunbo Folarin Adeyina    USA
             Bose& Dipo Okonrende Adeyina     USA             Yvan Koopmans y Gaby Arends                    Emilie Arends
             Bunmi Adeyina                Japan               Mark Koopmans                                  Bis-nieto/anan:
             Elter Polonia & Martina Giron   Aruba                                                           Thierry  y  Susie  (Hulanda),  Victoria,  Carola  y
             Shaun Murray                 Aruba               Sobrina stima:                                 Barbara
             Nadine Murray & Reguillo Williams    Aruba       Jean-Carla y Jarrisson Koolman-Schwengle       Sobrino/anan:   Louis (Chito) y Carla Paris-Ar-
             †Anashia Murray                                                                                 ends y famia
             Steven & Sarah Thomas- Wheeler   UK              Madrina:      Prisca Tromp                     Alvin y Jacqueline Paris-Curiel y famia (Merca)
             Rachel & Will Knowland-Thomas   UK
             Kelvin Polonia               Aruba               Padrino:      †Pedro Bislip                    Vilma Paris y famia
             Taishana Richardson          St Maarten                                                           Silvio Faschi y famia (Italia)
             Jamal Richardson.            St Maarten          Ihanan:       Kyle Rosaria, Mark Koopmans      François y Lucia Faschi y famia (Merca)
             Tyra Richardson.             St Maarten          Amiga(o)nan:   Helen Velasquez                 Marie-Claude Alerte Paris y famia (Merca)
             Imro Joseph.                 The Netherlands     Lelicia Tromp                                  Love-Mary Déjean (Haiti)
             Harvey Joseph.               The Netherlands     Dhamarys Antersijn                             Ayudantenan fiel:     Roslène, Ritta y Jeanne
             Joey Joseph & Arieta Thomas.     The Netherlands  Jovanny Lacle                                 Assistente fiel:        Cécile
             Jason Joseph.                The Netherlands
                                                              Charlene Tromp
             Great Grand Children:                            Carl Arends                                    Amigo y Amiganan, conocirnan y demas famia.
             Jasmin  Allen.Jardien  Allen.Jeremy  Allen.Muyiwa  Folarin.  Francis Hernandez
             Ladi Folarin.Damilola Adeyina.Lade Adeyina. Layo Adeyina.   Cher Vermeer                        Un danki special na Dr. Cayama, Dr. Hoogen-
             Ore Okonrende.Dara Okonrende(USA).                                                              dam, Dr. Anaya y personal di Ambulance.
             Tizi-Anne  Murray.Ray  Shaun  Murray.Náthoine  Williams.  Omo y tantanan, primo y primanan
             Quadir Williams.Elaine Polonia(Aruba).
             Yvania    Richardson.Nathaniel   Richardson.Izariah                                             Dia di Condolencia ta dialuna 26 di juni 2017 di
             Richardson(St Maarten).                          Amigonan di Beach Tennis Aruba y su coleganan   7:00 – 9:00 anochi na Aurora Funeral Home.
             Sienne Knowland.Amelie Knowland.Jude Knowland.Cecily   di trabow Dienst Huur en Consumenten Zaken
             Knowland.Coraline Thomas.Arrietty Thomas. (UK)                                                  Acto di entiero ta diamars 27 di juni 2017 di 2:00
                    Edith Joseph-Duncan was related to the families:   Demas  famia:  Maduro,  v/der  Biezen,  Tromp,   – 4:00 di atardi na Aurora Funeral Home, salien-
             Joseph,Duncan,Eledu,Adeyina,Murray,  Williams,Polonia,T  Curié, Schwengle,Koopmans, Koolman, Arends,   do despues pa Santana Catolica na Playa.
             de,Curiel,  Madenbourgh,Maduro,Charles,Paul,Haynes,Am  Rosaria
             atkasan,Ramoutar.                                                                               Lamentablemente, nos no ta ricibi bishita di con-
             All  cousins,  nieces,  nephews,  in  laws,  friends,  neighbors,   E acto di despedida ta tuma lugar diamars 27 di   delencia na cas.
             relatives too numerous to mention.               juni 2017 di 9’or pa 11’or di mainta, despues acto
             We apologize if during our grief we forgot to mention any   di cremacion lo tuma lugar den seno familiar.
             name or family
             The funeral service will take place on Friday June 30th 2017   Adres pa condolencia: Paramira # 5, dialuna 26
             at  4:00  o’clock  leaving  the  Santa  Theresita  Church  to  the   di juni 2017 di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi.
             Government Cemetery in San Nicolas. The body of the late
             “Mrs. Joseph” will be laid out from 2 o’clock in the Santa
             Teresita Church followed by the funeral service.  Si  en  caso  den  nos  tristesa  a  lubida  un  of  oto
             Address for condolences: Ad Patres Funeral Home  famia, nos disculpa pa cu esaki.
             Thursday 29 June 2017 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm     Nos no ta ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas.
             We regret that after the funeral we can’t accept condolences
             at home.
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