Page 39 - HCCA- MAY 18, 2015
P. 39

PAGINA 26                        DIARIO  DIALUNA 18 MEI 2015

   Yamada                        BELINDA OPENS AN ART GALLERY. We were invited recently to an art happening at the home of artist Belinda
  na DOW pa                      de Veer who shared the just-created exhibition space with her pal artist Irene Peterson. Belinda, looking tres chic,
drecha luznan                    welcomed friends, family members and fellow-artists into the totally transformed art environment. Think about it,
 di trafico na                   furniture and personal effects out, paintings and installations in. It was her dream she explained, to create a gallery, on
haltura di Sun                   the same stage where her life usually unfolds. Belinda’s painting are personal statements in which her inner artist de-
                                 bates womanhood, parents, life, death and creativity. Irene does the same thing, only she doesn’t paint she puts crazy
     Plaza                       objects together to convey her free-floating ideas, about identity, belonging, and collaboration. Armin Solognier on
                                 behalf of UNOCA, pledged his organization’s support for art, at the official opening act of the gallery. He spoke well
ORANJESTAD (AAN) – Un            of society’s need to do that, because the world would be dull and boring, devoid of pictures, music, or poetry without
ciudadano a tuma contacto        it. The artists of our time, take it upon themselves to debate the issues which burden us, and they struggle on our behalf
cu nos redaccion pa haci un      with contemporary ideas and concepts. So thanks girls for doing the thinking for me! We drank wine, we nibbled on
yamada na DOW pa drecha e        snacks, we listened to a dramatic Angela Croes song interpretation, describing the workings of her inner organs, her
luznan di trafico na haltura di  entrails, her guts. Don’t forget to invite me to the next happening!
Sun Plaza.                       BBO, STRONGER THAN EVER, AND HERE TO STAY. Kudos to Marisol Lopez Tromp, the President of the Aruba
E ciudadano a comenta cu         Parliament for voting according to her conscience and not according to party-line, but that doesn’t mean that I will
esakinan ta luznan di trafico    vote for you, when you break away to form a party of your own, this is just to say we appreciate your think-for-your-
crucial riba un lorada hopi      self conduct. You have a knack for self promotion, and a real talent at presenting yourself in a complimentary light.
peligroso, tanto pa esnan cu     Poor BBO. It was originally a good idea when introduced during the previous government . Then during elections we
ta core, bay y bin riba ruta di  were told it was a rotten idea, and that it must go away. It sort of went away, but stayed, and now it’s stronger than ever.
Sasaki, of pa y for di area di   Should we expect another increase in BBO sometimes down the road? On behalf of the little people I would like to
hotel.                           register an official mal-governance complaint against all of you, lamenting the political, moral and intellectual leader-
E ciudadano aki a pasa sus-      ship vacuum you have created! You’re always picking on the bird in hand, instead of also trying to catch the two birds
to cu e manera con un otro       in the bush. We’re the good ones, we already pay our taxes. Why don’t you focus and identify the huge gray segment
chofer a sortea un chens pa      of the market, not paying its taxes. A handyman by the name of Luis recently overcharged me for a maintenance job
pasa, saliendo di area di ho-    and refused to give me an invoice, or write me a receipt. If I had his last name, I would call the Ontvanger, so that he
tel bay den direccion di un      could finally join the joyous ranks of tax-paying citizens. And he is not alone.
supermercado, poniendo su        THE CHURCH OF PARADERA WELCOMNES VISITORS. I met Ing. Jossy Lacle at the festive mortgage signing
persona y otro chofer mas        of the new residential community at Jan Fleming, Santa Cruz. Jossy was there representing the developer of the proj-
biniendo di Sasaki bay abao.     ect, namely the board of the Pension Fund Tourism Sector Aruba. Having retired from WEB a number of years ago,
                                 Jossy now serves us as board member for a number of key organizations, in education, tourism and healthcare. But his
   Turista                       favorite pet project is the church of Paradera which was just re-consecrated following extensive renovations funded by
   burachi                       the neighborhood, and the community in general. The church is now gorgeous and worth a visit, Jossy explains, during
 morto soño                      the day time is best, when the sun hits the color window panes. As you all know, a number of years ago Santa Anna
drumi banda                      church in Noord decided to no longer welcome tourists, popping in at all hours of the day in their itsy-bitsy bikinis.
  caminda                        This created a landmark void, which Paradera now wishes to fill. The renovated church would like to extend an invita-
                                 tion to all our visitors, please come visit and worship freely. Just remember to put your cover up on before entering.
ORANJESTAD.(AAN); A              AMSTERDAM MANOR CELEBRATING IT 25TH ANNIVERSARY. The Amsterdam Manor is hosting a 10K run,
drenta informe marduga na        it’s first, in honor of its 25th anniversary, on May 31st, at 6am. Owner Jurgen Van Schaijk, an avid runner and sport
central di polis cu pariba di    enthusiast is recruiting guests and staff members, friends and any one inspired to join the IBISA organized affair, run-
Mc Donald’s tin un homber        ning the loop between the resort, Divi Phoenix, and Alhambra Casino & Shops. Originally conceived by Van Schaijk
drumi banda di caminda.          Sr as a timeshare resort, in the 80s, Amsterdam Manor repositioned over the years and became one of Aruba’s success
                                 stories, as a family business with a strong environmental commitment to Eagle Beach. Jurgen reminded me that back
  Patruya cu a presenta na e     then when he arrived on Aruba from school, he enrolled into the Dealer’s School at the Alhambra Casino, using his
sitio y a bin haya un homber     excellent math skills to easily figure out the game of craps and its complicated payout tables. He never worked as a
turista cu tabata drumi morto    dealer, but enjoyed the learning experience, nevertheless.
na soño na e lugar.              THE ISLAND HERITAGE FESTIVAL SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 7TH. A new impresario is born. Ian Molina who
E homber tabata hole fuerte      is naturally related to Martin Molina of Pelican Watersports, and to artist Giolina Henriquez, is creating a beach event,
na alcohol y tabata papia cu     mixing something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. The tag line refers to a mix of old
lenga pisa, ademas e no por a    and new music, with local and foreign DJs, against the backdrop of our turquoise ocean, Sunday, June 7th. The day
splica e agentenan na unda e     features 12 hours of local vibe, and is an opportunity for Ian to showcase his father’s business sense, and his mother’s
ta hospeda.                      environmental consciousness. Ok, a little bit of grandpa’s pioneering spirit too.
                                 THE HIKE TO THE NORTH CAP. The North Cap is an outpost on the rugged north shore, a small concrete plat-
  Un miembro di seguridad        form raised on top of a hill overlooking the ocean where an observation bunker once stood, sometime before
y otro patruya a hib’e warda     the second world war. There is nothing left today, but the cracked platform, and the view from the top is majes-
di Shaba.                        tic. Sunday, we took off at 6am, armed with water, and sunscreen, from the parking lot of the Natural Bridge.
Mas despues a haya sa cu e ta    Gershwin Lee was our well-informed guide and Melissa de Veer the organizer. We sauntered for about one-hour
hospeda na Occidental Beach      and a half, past Andicuri and Black Stone Beach, took a million pictures at North Cap, then turned around, and
resort camber 2707.              were home for coffee by 9am! Fifteen people signed on and fifteen people returned, so I have no special ad-
Cu permiso di comandante         venture to report except that the scenery is lovely, and the wind and air so fresh, and clean. Gershwin described
riba servicio, Patrick naci      some of the natural bridge-forming processes and pointed out the geological rock formations, naming basalt and
na Merca di 23 aña a wordo       quartz and the sedimentary chalk filled with fossilized coral. He showed us the metamorphic rocks which were
hiba su hotel.                   once something different all together, and changed due to temperature and pressure. We learned to recognize the
                                 signs of tectonic activity, millions of years ago, as the earth’s crust cracked and moved. You will be happy to know
                                 that the area is clean, and we realized that tour operators stayed away from it by the absence of stacked rocks.
                                 CONSTRUCTION ON THE BEACH. I was sad to notice that the ugly wooden box on the pristine beach stretch be-
                                 tween the Divi & Tamarijn All Inclusives is still standing. It serves as a day spa and completely ruins the luxurious un-
                                 interrupted aspect of the view, which it now rudely interrupts. I was even sadder to notice that the lounge chair rental
                                 shack in front of Moomba Beach just tripled in size. I read the beach bar complained that the construction crew was
                                 stealing its electricity supply. How lame, you should have complained that it’s stealing your view! Did both operators
                                 file for construction permits? Where their plans approved?
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