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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 3 august 2022
             Jill Biden on teaching as first lady: ‘Knew I could do both’

            By DARLENE SUPERVILLE        We have to figure it out.’   like “fill glasses with ice” or
            Associated Press             Biden  continues  to  teach  “light candles”  to her kitch-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Jill  English    and    writing   at  en cabinets so family arriv-
            Biden says she didn’t doubt  Northern  Virginia  Commu-   ing  will  know  right  away
            that she could keep teach-   nity College, which is where  how to help.
            ing  as  first  lady  and  over-  she taught during the eight  “Everything  is  set  up  so
            came  the  skepticism  that  years her husband was vice  when somebody comes in,
            she could handle both jobs  president.  Her  staff  back  they do what they want to
            by  instructing  her  staff  to  then also doubted that she  do,” she said.
            “figure it out.”             could  teach  and  serve  as  The first lady also uses Post-
            In  a  new  interview  in  the  second lady, but she man-  it  notes  to  communicate
            September  issue  of  Real  aged.                         with the president.
            Simple  magazine,  the  first  “I  saw  it  work  then,  and  I  “If I want to get a message
            lady  describes  how  she  knew  we  could  figure  out  to Joe, I put one on his mir-
            uses  Post-it  notes  to  man-  how to do it now,” she said.  ror,” she said.
            age  her  large  family,  and  Biden  doesn’t  like  to  use  “It may be a nice ‘I missed   First lady Jill Biden visits Schulze Academy, Thursday, July 21,
            offers  marriage  advice  to  “juggling”  or  “balancing”  you’  or  ‘I  hope  you  get   2022, in Detroit.
            newlyweds hoping to cele-    to  describe  how  she  han-  whatever  it  is  you’re  work-                                     Associated Press
            brate 45 years of marriage  dles her responsibilities.    ing on.’”
            as  she  and  President  Joe  “You can’t do anything in a  She  said  it’s  taken  a  lot  of  when the car she was driv-  “You  have  to  work  in  any
            Biden did on June 17.        haphazard way,” she said.  work for her and the presi-    ing collided with a truck in  relationship,   but   espe-
            Biden is the first first lady to  “You have to have purpose  dent  to  get  to  45  years  of  Delaware just before Christ-  cially  in  marriage.  It’s  not
            continue  her  career  out-  while you’re doing it, and it  marriage.  Both  were  mar-  mas  1972.  His  two  young  always  50/50,”  she  said.
            side the White House.        has to be organized. That’s  ried previously.             sons  were  gravely  injured.  “Sometimes  you  lean  on
            “I think people were a little  the key to it.”            Joe  Biden,  79,  lost  his  first  Jill Biden, 71, was divorced  him, sometimes he leans on
            skeptical. Could I truly do it,  To  that  end,  she  relies  on  wife  and  infant  daughter  from her first husband.  you.q
            since  I  was  the  first  one  to  Post-it  notes  to  manage
            try it?,” she said. “But I knew  her  family  gatherings  and
            I wanted to teach.”          save  herself  from  having
            She said she told her staff,  to  explain  things  over  and
            “This  is  what  I  want  to  do.  over. She sticks instructions

            Putin’s rumored girlfriend

            hit with latest U.S. sanctions

            By FATIMA HUSSEIN            other  property  restrictions.
            Associated Press             The  department  said  she
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  is  also  head  of  a  Russian
            new round of U.S. sanctions  national  media  company
            targeting  Russian  elites  in-  that  promotes  Russia’s  in-
            cludes  a  woman  named  vasion of Ukraine.
            in news reports as Vladimir  Critics  of  the  Kremlin  and
            Putin’s  longtime  romantic  imprisoned  Russian  rights
            partner.                     campaigner  Alexey  Na-
            The  Treasury  Department  valny have been calling for
            said Tuesday that the gov-   sanctions  against  Kabae-
            ernment has frozen the visa  va,  saying  her  news  outlet
            of Alina Kabaeva, an Olym-   took the lead in portraying
            pic  gymnast  in  her  youth  Western  commentary  on
            and former member of the  the  invasion  as  a  disinfor-
            state  Duma,  and  imposed  mation campaign.q

            Alina  Kabayeva,  a  former  champion  rhythmic  gymnast  and
            now a Duma member for the pro-Kremlin United Russia party,
            attends  the  first  plenary  session  of  the  newly-elected  State
            Duma, the lower parliament chamber, Moscow, Russia, Jan. 13,
                                                     Associated Press
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