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                Friday 8 September 2017

            Why Irma is so strong and other questions about hurricanes

            By SETH BORENSTEIN                                                                                                  tists  have  long  said  future
            AP Science Writer                                                                                                   global   warming    would
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A                                                                                              make  some  of  the  worst
            powerful  Hurricane  Irma  is                                                                                       storms stronger and wetter
            threatening millions of peo-                                                                                        and  recently  have  linked
            ple  in  the  Caribbean  and                                                                                        climate  change  to  future
            Florida.  Some  answers  to                                                                                         rapid   intensification   of
            questions  about  Irma  and                                                                                         storms.
            hurricanes:                                                                                                         There’s  been  scientific  de-
            WHERE  DO  THESE  STORMS                                                                                            bate  over  whether  glob-
            COME FROM?                                                                                                          al  warming  means  more
            Irma  is  a  classic  Cape                                                                                          storms,  but  the  stronger
            Verde  storm,  which  be-                                                                                           and wetter is generally ac-
            gin near the islands off the                                                                                        cepted by scientists.
            west coast of Africa.  Some                                                                                         WASN’T THERE A HURRICANE
            of the worst hurricanes start                                                                                       DROUGHT?
            as puffs of unstable air and                                                                                        In the U.S., yes. Until Harvey
            storminess  there  and  chug                                                                                        last  month,  no  major  hur-
            west, gaining strength over                                                                                         ricane  had  hit  the  United
            the  warm  open  Atlantic.                                                                                          States since Wilma.
            Another  storm,  Jose,  has                                                                                         That  2005  storm  also  was
            followed in Irma’s footsteps.                                                                                       the last major hurricane to
            Some of those storms fizzle                                                                                         hit Florida. Scientists say the
            from  wind  shear  or  other   This Sept. 6, 2017 photo provided by the Dutch Defense Ministry shows a few of the homes that   12-year  landfall  drought
            weather  conditions.  Still   remained intact in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, in St. Maarten.                   was likely chance.
            others   curve   harmlessly                                                                        Associated Press  There  were  still  the  same
            north into the mid-North At-  or  higher.  So  far  this  year,  gy professor Phil Klotzbach.  HOW UNUSUAL IS IRMA?  number of hurricanes brew-
            lantic  and  are  called  “fish  there  have  been  six  hur-  WHY IS IRMA SO STRONG?  This is only the second time  ing,  they  just  missed  the
            storms.”  Storms also start in  ricanes:  two  major  ones,  Hurricanes use warm water  since  satellite-tracking  be-  United  States  or  were  not
            the Gulf of Mexico, like Ka-  Harvey and Irma; two new  as fuel. Irma has been over  gan  about  40  years  ago  major  hurricanes.  During
            tia  which  formed  off  Mex-  ones  Wednesday,  Katia  water that is 1.2 to 1.8 de-   that  one  maintained  185  that span, Superstorm San-
            ico  and  was  declared  a  and Jose; and Franklin and  grees (0.7 to 1 degree Cel-    mph  winds  for  more  than  dy  was  a  minor  hurricane
            hurricane on Wednesday.      Gert.                        sius)  warmer  than  normal.  24 hours, said Klotzbach.   in terms of wind speed but
            WHY ARE STORMS HAPPEN-       DID  FORECASTERS  SEE  THIS  And that warm water goes  The  other  was  the  mas-      catastrophic  in  damage
            ING NOW?                     BUSY YEAR COMING?            deeper  than  usual.  High  sive  killer  typhoon  Haiyan  when it hit in 2012.
            Hurricane   season    starts  Yes.  In  May,  the  weather  altitude  winds,  which  can  that killed more than 6,000  HOW  ARE  STORMS  FORE-
            June  1  and  ends  Nov.  30.  service predicted a 70 per-  fight  or  even  decapitate  people in the Philippines in  CAST?
            That’s  usually  when  the  cent  likelihood  of  11  to  17  storms, are not strong, also  2013.                   Forecasters at the National
            water is warm enough and  named  storms  with  5  to  9  helping Irma.                 IS THIS GLOBAL WARMING?      Hurricane  Center  rely  on
            other  weather  conditions  becoming hurricanes.          While  over  the  open  At-  Scientists  take  weeks  or  dozens  of  computer  simu-
            are conducive to storm for-  They predicted 2 to 4 ma-    lantic  Ocean  on  Tuesday,  months to conduct intricate  lations  and  their  own  ex-
            mation.  Hurricanes  need  jor  hurricanes.  In  early  Au-  Irma’s  185  mph  winds  set  studies,  using  computer  pert  experience.  They  use
            water that’s at least 79 de-  gust,  it  was  changed  to  a  a record for that region. In  simulations, to see if a storm  real-time readings of wind,
            grees (26 degrees Celsius).  60  percent  chance  of  14  the  entire  Atlantic,  Carib-  was  worsened  by  man-   temperature,  air  pressure,
            Peak  hurricane  season  is  to 19 named storms, 5 to 9  bean, and Gulf of Mexico,  made  climate  change.  humidity and more.
            from  mid-August  to  mid-   hurricanes and 2 to 5 major  only Hurricane Allen in 1980  There have been a limited  But  those  real-time  read-
            October  with  the  peak  of  hurricanes.                 was stronger with 190 mph  number of hurricanes since  ings are sparse and spread
            the peak being Sept. 10 or  ARE  BACK-TO-BACK  BIG  winds.                             record-keeping  began  in  out.  Figuring  out  a  storm’s
            11.                          HURRICANES UNUSUAL?          Others with 185 mph winds:  1851,  which  makes  it  diffi-  path  and  strength  is  tricky
            WHAT’S  AN  AVERAGE  SEA-    Major  storms  can  and  do  a 1935 Florida storm, 1988’s  cult to  do robust statistical  and usually forecasts do go
            SON LIKE?                    form  back-to-back  and  Gilbert, and 2005’s Wilma.       analyses.  However,  scien-  out farther than five days.q
            An  average  season  pro-    did  so  last  year  with  Mat-
            duces  12  named  storms,  thew and Nicole, but hav-
            according  to  the  National  ing  more  than  one  hit  the
            Weather  Service.  Wednes-   U.S. in a season is strange.
            day’s  Katia  is  the  11th  this  If Irma hits Florida as a cat-
            season.  Storms  get  names  egory 4 or 5 storm, it will be
            when winds reach 39 mph.  the first time in historical re-
            The  average  season  pro-   cord that the U.S. was hit by
            duces  six  hurricanes  and  two category 4 or 5 storms
            three  of  those  become  in one year, said Colorado
            major  at  111  mph  winds  State  University  meteorolo-
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