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P. 8
LOCAL Thursday 29 June 2017
Difficult Weekend Turned Triumphant for Team Aruba
PDRA Spring Nationals at
Darlington Dragway felt
much more like summer,
with air temperatures hov-
ering around 90 degrees
Fahrenheit and track
temps up to 150 degrees.
Such conditions often
makes it tricky to navigate
the 660 feet of race track.
Trevor Eman and the Aru- team initially had
trouble perfecting a hot
weather setup that would
get the Mus-
tang down the surface
that once gave birth to the
first ever quarter-mile sanc-
tioned run over 200 MPH by
a doorslammer. What Bill
Kuhlmann accomplished
that day in 1987 in his Pro
Stock machine seemed to
fuel the team
to push through the heat.
They qualified fifth with a
Being in the top half of the
field certainly helped on
race day, but Eman and
team knew there were 15 got off the line first, but the but the team worked as live feed of the event, as “This weekend’s results
heavy hitters in the field Mustang was hard as I have ever seen us well as our own live feeds were exactly what we
and no one would be an not to be outdone. Once work together,” told Eman. on Facebook. It was nice were looking to achieve
easy win. The team picked again, the team improved Those efforts put us and our to know how everybody after not making it happen
up the pace during elimi- upon their best time for the partners, and was following us ‘til the late in GALOT. Now, it will be a
nations, using a 4.092 to weekend, using a 4.079 to Aruba Airport Authority, in hours of the night when we matter of keeping up with
get past Dwayne Rice in score their first victory of the winner’s circle. Not only ran the final.” more round wins. We’re
round one, before slowing 2017. “It was great to face does the entire team want In addition to the heat looking forward for the next
slightly to a 4.106 in round the E Love team in the fi- to be winning rounds and and tricky track conditions, event in Budds Creek in just
two. It was Eman’s reac- nal,” said the Spring Na- races, but we have a great Team Aruba ran into a me- two weeks where we’ll be
tion time advantage that tionals Champ. “We have team dynamic in repre- chanical issue. “We were looking to continue our pur-
would move the team into a very good and close his- senting our partners. Aside in a pinch with what we suits.”
the semi finals. There he tory with Enoch Love and from the effort on work- suspected to be a shock The PDRA North-South
met Cary Goforth. These it was great to see him at ing on the race car in be- issue this weekend,” Eman Shootout will be held June
two met at the last event the race track and to meet tween rounds and getting explained, “and we had 1-3 at Maryland Interna-
in the semi-finals. Goforth them and the Perkinson it ready, we always make the opportunity of hav- tional Raceway in Budds
won that matchup, so in family in the final. My hats sure to take the time to talk ing Adam and Andy Lam- Creek, Maryland, an area
the Darlington heat Eman off to Team Elove and Per- to our fans about Aruba bert from Precision Racing known for its love of door-
was ready for his revenge. kinson for their efforts this and the ease of traveling Shocks come by and look car racing.
Both drivers had incred- weekend. “Every round is to our slice of paradise. at things and sort through Follow Team Aruba on
ible reaction times, but the a hard round to win in the “As we went rounds yes- some stuff with us. We were Facebook and Twitter. Find team made all Pro Stock class,” continued terday, we had more and very grateful for their sup- race results, team updates,
the right calls, picking up to Eman. “Every round is just more people come by,” port on race day.” videos and photos. Also
a 4.085 to Goforth’s 4.109. as difficult if not more diffi- he continued. “It was great With one win and one semi- leave your comments to
Team Aruba would be go- cult round after round. This to have the fans follow final finish to their credit al- cheer on Team Aruba!
ing to their first final of the win wasn’t handed to the us closely. Along with our ready this season, Team For more on your Aruba
season. team; it was earned with fans at the track, plenty of Aruba is in a great position vacation visit www.Aruba.
In the finals they took on hard work. our friends, fans, and fol- to run for the 2017 World com and www.airportaru-
Buddy Perkinson, hired gun “It was a very long day, lowers were watching the Championship.
of Enoch Love. Perkinson