Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20210105
P. 27
u.s. news Diamars 5 Januari 2021
Lava spatters, flows inside crater of Hawaii volcano
(AP) — Lava spattered and formed in the crater.
flowed over the weekend inside
the crater of a Hawaii volcano The lake was about a tenth of a square
that began erupting in Decem- mile and about 620 feet (189 meters)
ber. deep, with a narrow black ledge sur-
rounding the area, the observatory
The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory said.
said the lava is confined to the sum-
mit crater of Kilauea, the Honolulu A small island of cooler, solidified lava
Star-Advertiser reported Sunday. floated in the lava lake, rising about
The eruption began Dec. 20 within 20 feet (6 meters) above the surface,
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on scientists said.
the Big Island. The observatory said
there was no data to indicate magma A report by the observatory in the
is moving into either of Kilauea’s rift Hawaii Herald-Tribune on Sunday
zones — areas where the volcano is said the primary hazard from the
splitting apart. eruption is volcanic air pollution
produced by the gases emitted at the
Vents on the northwest side of the summit. reaching a level that could be visible The volcano had not erupted since
crater spattered Saturday while erupt- to the public from Kilauea Overlook 2018, when lava spewed from vents
ing lava flowed through crusted-over The lava lake would need to rise in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, in the middle of a neighborhood and
channels into a lava lake that has about 262 feet (80 meters) before the observatory said. destroyed roughly 700 houses.
Kentucky officers in Breonna Taylor face termination hearing
notice last week from Lou- at them. Federal ballistics a search warrant and truth-
isville Police interim Chief experts said they believe the fulness, his attorney, Thomas
Yvette Gentry that she in- shot that killed Taylor came Clay said. Jaynes acknowl-
tends to dismiss them from from Cosgrove. edged in a May interview
the department. with Louisville police inves-
Gentry wrote that Cosgrove tigators that he didn’t person-
Both men will have an op- failed to “properly identify ally verify that a drug traffick-
portunity to argue against a target” when he fired, ac- ing suspect, Jamarcus Glover,
their firings at the hearing. cording to media reports of was receiving mail at Taylor’s
The hearing is not open to the letter, which has not been apartment, even though he
the public. released. had said in an earlier affida-
vit that he had. Jaynes said he
Taylor, a Black woman, was Jaynes was not at the scene relied instead on information
killed March 13 by police the night of the shooting from a fellow officer.
executing a narcotics search but sought the warrant that
warrant. None of the three sent police to Taylor’s home. Jaynes and Cosgrove have
white officers who fired into Gentry said Jaynes lied about been on administrative leave,
Taylor’s home were charged how he obtained some infor- along with another officer
by a grand jury in her death. mation about Taylor in the who was at the raid, Sgt.
warrant. Jonathan Mattingly. Mat-
(AP) — Two Kentucky po- scheduled Monday to face Investigators said Cosgrove tingly was shot in the leg by
lice detectives involved in a termination hearing. fired 16 rounds into the An internal investigation Taylor’s boyfriend, who said
the raid that left Breonna apartment after the front by Louisville police found he thought an intruder was
Taylor dead, including the Detectives Myles Cosgrove door was breached and Tay- Jaynes violated department breaking into the home.
one who shot her, were and Joshua Jaynes received lor’s boyfriend fired a shot procedures for preparation of
Urging calm, DC mayor calls in National Guard for protests
(AP) — Washington, D.C.'s or wearing body armor. Con- defense official, who pro- commander of the city’s Na- be providing any aircraft or
mayor urged calm Mon- gress is meeting this week to vided details on condition of tional Guard is Army Sec- intelligence. The D.C. Guard
day as some 340 National certify the Electoral College anonymity to discuss internal retary Ryan McCarthy. Any will provide specialized
Guard troops were being results, and President Don- deliberations. The official D.C. requests for Guard teams that will be prepared
activated while the city ald Trump has refused to said Guard members will be deployments have to be ap- to respond to any chemical or
prepared for potentially concede while whipping up used to set up traffic control proved by him. biological incident. But the
violent protests surround- support for protests. points around the city and to official said there will be no
ing Congress' expected stand with district police of- The defense official said that D.C. Guard members on the
vote to affirm President- During a press conference on ficers at all the city’s Metro there will be no active duty National Mall or at the U.S.
elect Joe Biden's victory. Monday, Bowser asked that stops. Acting Police Chief military troops in the city, Capitol.
people stay away from down- Robert Contee said Guard and the U.S. military will not
According to a U.S. defense town D.C., and avoid con- troops will also be used for
official, Mayor Muriel Bows- frontations with anyone who some crowd management.
er put in a request on New is “looking for a fight.” But,
Year’s Eve to have Guard she warned, "we will not al- “Some of our intelligence
members on the streets from low people to incite violence, certainly suggests there will
Jan. 5-7th, to help with the intimidate our residents or be increased crowd sizes,”
protests. The official said the cause destruction in our city.” said Contee, adding, "There
D.C. National Guard mem- are people intent on coming
bers will be used for traffic There will be about 115 to our city armed.”
control and other assistance Guard troops on duty at any Because D.C. does not have
but they will not be armed one time in the city, said the a governor, the designated