P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Monday 11 SepteMber 2017


                 Continued from Page 17  Clinton-Dix  helped  hold  a
            Brown  said  Kappa  Alpha  giant American flag on the
            Psi  planned  to  have  simi-  field  as  the  anthem  was
            lar  gatherings  in  Dallas  played.
            and  Atlanta  before  future  In  Cleveland,  the  Browns
            NFL  games.  San  Francisco  ran  onto  the  field  for  their
            safety  Eric  Reid  kneeled  opener  against  Pittsburgh
            for  the  anthem  with  sev-  accompanied  by  police,
            eral  teammates  standing  firefighters,    emergency
            around  him.  Reid  joined  workers  and  military  per-
            Kaepernick  in  the  anthem  sonnel .
            protest last season. He did  After  being  criticized  for
            not kneel at the start of the  kneeling during the nation-
            preseason but resumed his  al anthem before a recent
            protest  following  the  rally  exhibition,  several  Browns
            in  Charlottesville,  Virginia,  players  met  with  owners
            last  month  that  involved  Jimmy  and  Dee  Haslam
            a  loosely  connected  mix  about how to connect bet-
            of  white  nationalists,  neo-  ter  with  the  community.
            Nazis and other far-right ex-  They later met with Cleve-  Protesters rally for former quarterback Colin Kaepernick outside Ford Field and an NFL football
            tremists.                    land’s police chief and one   game between the Detroit Lions and the Arizona Cardinals in Detroit, Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017.
            Bennett  recently  released  of  the  ideas  hatched  was                                                                       Associated Press
            a  statement  alleging  ra-  the  pregame  introduction.
            force  against  him  by  Las  alongside  the  players  for  Toliver’s shooting lifts Mystics
            cially  motivated  excessive  The  public  servants  stood
            Vegas  police.  The  Seattle  the anthem.
            defensive  end  sat  on  the  “I  thought  it  was  pretty   to 82-68 win over Liberty
            bench  during  the  national  cool,”  said  10-time  Pro
            anthem  before  Sunday’s  Bowl tackle Joe Thomas. “I      By The Associated Press      only shrug and smile as the  Taurasi  moved  to  11-0  in
            game at Green Bay.           think doing that shows the   NEW YORK (AP) — Kristi Toli-  fourth one went in to give  elimination playoff games.
            Bennett sat for the national  unity  that  this  team  is  try-  ver scored 32 points, hitting  the Mystics a 57-46 advan-  Phoenix will start its best-of-
            anthem  during  the  pre-    ing  to  promote  between    a  WNBA  playoff-record  tage  with  2:48  left  in  the  five semifinals series against
            season as well, with team-   our  football  team  and  first   nine 3-pointers, to lead the  third.  She  set  the  Mystics  Los  Angeles  on  Tuesday
            mate  Justin  Britt  standing  responders, military, police,   Washington  Mystics  to  an  franchise  record  for  points  night.   Phoenix   made
            next  to  him  with  his  hand  and hopefully show a posi-  82-68 victory over the New  in  a  game  by  the  end  of  3-pointers on three straight
            on  his  shoulder.  Britt  again  tive effort to move forward   York Liberty on Sunday.  the third quarter.         possession late in the fourth
            stood next to Bennett dur-   and to try to make Ameri-    The  Mystics  will  face  Min-  That  3-pointer,  her  eighth,  quarter  to  take  an  84-79
            ing his anthem protest Sun-  ca  a  better  place  for  ev-  nesota  in  the  best-of-five  also  broke  the  previous  lead.  Leilani  Mitchell  start-
            day.  Defensive  linemen  erybody.”                       semifinals, starting Tuesday  WNBA record for 3-pointers  ed it with an open shot from
            Frank  Clark  and  Cliff  Avril  Before the anthem, a video   night in Minneapolis. This is  made in a playoff game.  the  wing  for  a  78-76  lead.
            each  went  back  during  featuring  several  Browns      as  far  as  the  Mystics  have  Tina Charles led the Liberty  Taurasi  came  off  a  screen
            the anthem to shake hands  players,  including  Thomas    gone  in  the  playoffs  since  with 18 points. It’s the sec-  for another 3, and Monique
            with Bennett.                and  rookie  quarterback     2002  —  the  last  time  they  ond  consecutive  season  Currie  capped  it  with  2:31
            On  the  other  sideline  at  DeShone  Kizer,  was  shown   made it out of the opening  that New York was a three-  left. Alyssa Thomas had 20
            about  the  30  yard-line,  on the scoreboard. During     round of the postseason.     seed  and  lost  its  first  post-  points and 10 rebounds for
            Bennett’s  younger  brother  the  video,  players  asked   Washington  found  itself  season game.                  Sun,  and  Jonquel  Jones
            Martellus,  a  tight  end  for  for  unity,  equality  and  co-  down  13  points  in  the  first  At  Uncasville,  Brittney  Gri-  added  19  points  and  15
            the  Packers,  stood  at  the  operation during a time of   half before rallying to 41-35  ner  had  26  points  and  rebounds  for  Connecticut.
            end  of  the  line  next  to  his  division in the country.  at  the  break.  Then  Toliver  nine rebounds, Diana Tau-  Jones  had  11  points  and
            teammates,  but  raised  his  Raiders  running  back  Mar-  took  over.  She  scored  16  rasi  added  23  points,  and  12 rebounds in the first half
            right fist in the air during the  shawn  Lynch  also  sat  dur-  points  in  the  third  quarter,  Phoenix  beat  Connecticut  to  set  a  playoff  franchise
            anthem.                      ing the national anthem in   hitting all four of her 3-point-  88-83  to  reach  the  semifi-  record  for  rebounds  in  a
            Green  Bay  safety  Ha  Ha  Tennessee.q                   ers in the period. She could  nals.                       half.q
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