Page 9 - ATA Feb 12
P. 9
Thursday 12 February 2015
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Costa Linda Beach Resort
EAGLE BEACH - Recently Mr. Raymond and Mrs.
the Aruba Tourism Author- Therese Dube from Bid-
ity had the great pleasure deford, Maine. All the
of honoring a group of honorees are loyal mem-
loyal and friendly Visitor of bers of the Costa Linda
Aruba, at the Costa Linda and they love Aruba very
Beach Resort, as Distin- much because of the
guished Visitors and Am- friendly people, the cli-
bassadors of Goodwill. The mate, beaches, restau-
symbolic honorary title is rants, and Aruba feels
presented in the name of like a second home, the
the Minister of Tourism as a people are like a family
token of appreciation to to them and Costa Linda
guests who visit Aruba for is their home away from
10-to-19 and 20-or-more home. The certificates
consecutive years. were presented by Mr. Er-
The honorees were Mr. nest Giel representing the
Mark and Mrs. Carolyn Aruba Tourism Authority
Beck from Bruce, Michi- together with Mrs. Miriam
gan, Mr. Peter and Mrs. Rodriquez representing
Theresa Palmiero from the Costa Linda Beach
Midlothian, Virginia and Resort.q
Thursday 12 February 2015
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Costa Linda Beach Resort
EAGLE BEACH - Recently Mr. Raymond and Mrs.
the Aruba Tourism Author- Therese Dube from Bid-
ity had the great pleasure deford, Maine. All the
of honoring a group of honorees are loyal mem-
loyal and friendly Visitor of bers of the Costa Linda
Aruba, at the Costa Linda and they love Aruba very
Beach Resort, as Distin- much because of the
guished Visitors and Am- friendly people, the cli-
bassadors of Goodwill. The mate, beaches, restau-
symbolic honorary title is rants, and Aruba feels
presented in the name of like a second home, the
the Minister of Tourism as a people are like a family
token of appreciation to to them and Costa Linda
guests who visit Aruba for is their home away from
10-to-19 and 20-or-more home. The certificates
consecutive years. were presented by Mr. Er-
The honorees were Mr. nest Giel representing the
Mark and Mrs. Carolyn Aruba Tourism Authority
Beck from Bruce, Michi- together with Mrs. Miriam
gan, Mr. Peter and Mrs. Rodriquez representing
Theresa Palmiero from the Costa Linda Beach
Midlothian, Virginia and Resort.q