Page 24 - ATODAY
P. 24


BUSINESSThursday 10 December 2015

Tech stocks lead a broad decline in the US market                                                                                                                  STREET BRIEFS

BERNARD CONDON                   new company.                    strategist at Bell Curve Trad-  15 cents to close at $40.11                                       Dutch Rabobank
AP Business Writer               Some of the biggest gain-       ing, said a recent slump in     a barrel in London. In other                                      plans restructure,
NEW YORK (AP) — A slump          ers were stocks that suf-       oil and other major com-        trading, wholesale gaso-                                           slash 9,000 jobs 
in technology shares on          fered big losses the day be-    modities is signaling that      line rose 2.8 cents to close
Wednesday helped turn            fore. Freeport McMoRan, a       the global economy is           at $1.232 a gallon, heating                                      THE HAGUE, Netherlands
early gains in  U.S. stock in-   miner that fell 7 percent on    weak.                           oil fell two cents to $1.239 a                                   (AP) — Dutch coopera-
dexes into losses across         Tuesday, rose 3.7 percent,      That could mean more            gallon and natural gas fell                                      tive bank Rabobank says
industries, extending the        gaining 25 cents to close at    rocky days in the market.       0.8 cent to $2.062 per 1,000                                     it is slashing 9,000 jobs as
market’s losing streak to a      $6.99.                          “You got commodities in a       cubic feet.                                                      part of a restructuring to
third day.                                                                                                                                                        boost its finances and
Investors sent the Dow           Trader Peter Tuchman works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday, Dec. 9,                                       bring it closer to custom-
Jones industrial average up      2015. A slump in technology shares on Wednesday helped turn early gains in U.S. stock indexes                                    ers. The bank announced
200 points in morning, then      into losses across industries, extending the market’s losing streak to a third day.                                              the moves Wednesday,
began dumping some big                                                                                                                                            saying it would “make ev-
tech stocks. Apple fell 2.2                                                                                                              (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  ery possible effort to avoid
percent and Microsoft lost                                                                                                                                        compulsory redundancies”
1.5 percent.                     Helping boost raw material      death spiral, and that’s just   U.S. government bond pric-                                       as it cuts the jobs by 2018.
By the end of the day, sev-      stocks were news reports        not impacting the U.S., but     es rose.                                                         Worldwide, Rabobank em-
en of the 10 industry sectors    that two giant chemical         the global economy,” he         The yield on the 10-year                                         ploys some 48,000 people.
in the Standard and Poor’s       companies, Dow Chemical         said. “Investors are taking     Treasury note fell to 2.21                                       Rabobank’s reputation has
500 index fell. Suppliers of     and DuPont, were in talks to    off risk.”                      percent from 2.22 percent                                        been battered in recent
raw materials, the focus of      combine. Dow Chemical           Among other stocks mak-         late Tuesday. The  U.S. dol-                                     years. Two years ago it
aggressive selling in recent     rose $6.07, or 11.9 percent,    ing big moves Wednes-           lar fell to 121.24 yen from                                      agreed to pay about $1 bil-
days, rose 3.1 percent as in-    to $56.97. DuPont climbed       day, Costco fell $9.15, or      123.05 yen. The euro rose to                                     lion to settle U.S., British and
vestors hunted for bargains.     $7.89, or 11.8 percent, to      5 percent, to $159.72 after     $1.1023 from $1.0890.                                            Dutch charges of manipu-
“You’ve got two days of          $74.49.                         reporting weaker earnings       Previous and industrial met-                                     lating a key global interest
massive selling of oil and       Oil drillers, which have        than analysts were expect-      als futures closed broad-                                        rate. The payout included
commodity companies, so          been beaten down recent-        ing.                            ly higher. Gold edged                                            a $325 million deal with the
perhaps some are over-           ly, also rallied. Exxon Mobil   Benchmark  U.S. crude           up $1.20 to $1,076.50 an                                         U.S. Justice Department to
sold,” said Bryn Mawr Trust      and Chevron each rose 1.3       slipped 35 cents to close       ounce, silver rose seven                                         allow the bank to avoid
Chief Investment Officer         percent, despite another        at $37.16 a barrel in New       cents to $14.19 an ounce                                         criminal prosecution in ex-
Ernie Cecilia. He added,         drop in benchmark U.S. oil.     York. Brent crude, the in-      and copper gained a pen-                                         change for cooperation.
though, that they weren’t        Bill Strazzullo, chief market   ternational standard, fell      ny to $2.07 a pound.q                                            Rabobank says it aims to
cheap enough yet for him                                                                                                                                          focus lending on food and
to join in the buying.                                                                                                                                            agriculture worldwide and
The Dow index lost 75.70                                                                                                                                          on other Dutch growth
points, or 0.4 percent, to                                                                                                                                        sectors.
17,492.30. The S&P 500 gave
up 15.97 points, or 0.8 per-                                                                                                                                       Shares of DuPont,
cent, to 2,047.62. The Nas-                                                                                                                                       Dow up on reports
daq composite dropped
75.38 points, or 1.5 percent,                                                                                                                                        of merger talks
to 5,022.87.                                                                                                                                                       DOVER, Del. (AP) — Shares
Yahoo slumped after the
struggling Internet com-                                                                                                                                          of Dow Chemical and Du-
pany said it would scrap a                                                                                                                                        Pont are trading sharply
spinoff of its big stake in the                                                                                                                                   higher amid reports that
Chinese e-commerce gi-                                                                                                                                            the two chemical giants
ant Alibaba. The stock lost                                                                                                                                       are in advanced merger
45 cents, or 1.3 percent, to                                                                                                                                      discussions. The Wall Street
$34.40. Yahoo said it will in-                                                                                                                                    Journal first reported on
stead explore breaking off                                                                                                                                        Tuesday that the com-
the rest of its business into a                                                                                                                                   panies were planning to
                                                                                                                                                                  merge and to then split into
Pep Boys: Icahn’s buyout better than Bridgestone’s                                                                                                                three companies focused
                                                                                                                                                                  on agriculture, specialty
NEW YORK (AP) — Pep              per share. The buyout from      decision.                       ment further.                                                    chemicals and materials.
Boys said Wednesday that         Icahn Enterprises is worth      Bridgestone confirmed in        Pep Boys - Manny, Moe &                                          Shares of The Dow Chemi-
it told Bridgestone that         about $837.4 million. Icahn,    a statement Wednesday           Jack, based in Philadel-                                         cal Co. based in Midland,
it may ditch an already          an activist investor, has an    that it received the notice     phia, has about 800 loca-                                        Michigan, rose 11 percent
agreed upon $835 million         11.2 percent stake in Pep       and said any further deci-      tions around the country                                         to $56.48 in early trading
buyout offer and go with a       Boys, according to FactSet.     sions will be made based        that sell auto parts and re-                                     Wednesday. Shares at one
competing offer from Carl        Bridgestone, a Japan-           on what makes financial         pairs vehicles.                                                  point hit an all-time high
Icahn’s investment firm that     based tires and auto ser-       sense for the company.          Shares of Pep Boys were                                          of $56.88. Shares of E. I. du
is worth $2 million more.        vice company, has until         Bridgestone said it still be-   down 2 cents at $16.28 in                                        Pont de Nemours and Co.,
Icahn Enterprises is offer-      Friday to increase its offer    lieves its buyout of Pep        midday trading Wednes-                                           based in Wilmington, Dela-
ing $15.50 for each Pep          or Pep Boys said it will take   Boys “is good for the com-      day. Their shares have risen                                     ware, rose 12.5 percent to
Boys share, compared with        Icahn’s deal. Pep Boys said     bined  business.” The com-      66 percent so far this year.                                     $74.88. Multiple media out-
Bridgestone’s offer of $15       it notified Bridgestone of its  pany declined to com-           q                                                                lets say the two compa-
                                                                                                                                                                  nies, both of which have
                                                                                                                                                                  a strong presence in the
                                                                                                                                                                  agriculture sector, were
                                                                                                                                                                  discussing a merger, with
                                                                                                                                                                  an official announcement
                                                                                                                                                                  possible as early as Thurs-
                                                                                                                                                                  day. q
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