Page 8 - MIN.TTC APRIL 16,2015
P. 8

                                                                                                                                                             Thursday 16 April 2015

Radisson Resort Hosts Aruba’s 3rd Annual Tattoo Convention

PALM BEACH - Last week-       ing done by our local and        local artists as well, dem-  checkered flag style ink, as
end Aruba’s 3rd Tattoo        international artists or just    onstrating their high level  seen on “Ripley’s believe it
convention took place in      getting some ink done as         of work and showing what     or not” show.
the ballroom of the Radis-    well. Artists from all over the  they are capable of.         To cover up some of the
son Resort and Casino.        world like the United States,    As a special guest and at-   buzzing sound coming from
This year’s convention, as    Venezuela, Curacao and           traction was Matt Gone,      the tattoo machines were
the previous years before,    the Netherlands came to          “The checker man” who’s      live bands by the names of
was well attended by a        show off their amazing skills    body is 99% covered with     “Earplugs” and “Banzaai”
large crowd who came to       on skin at this year’s con-                                   who both gave an amaz-
witness the event, either to  vention. And of course, not                                   ing performance to enter-
admire the work of arts be-   to forget, there were the                                     tain the public with some
                                                                                            rock alternative music to
                                                                                            ease off the pain a bit, for
                                                                                            those who were under the
                                                                                            needle. If you missed it this
                                                                                            year, look forward for the
                                                                                            next one to come, Aruba’s
                                                                                            tattoo convention, the
                                                                                            place where tattoo lovers
                                                                                            meet. Don’t miss it.q
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