Page 48 - KPA DEC 2,2015
P. 48
world NEWSWednesday 2 December
Syria’s al-Qaida branch releases captive Lebanese soldiers
ZEINA KARAM with rose petals and friends The Lebanese policeman and army soldiers who were kidnapped by Nusra Front, gather for
Associated Press passed around sweets to a family picture with the Lebanese officials and the Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam,
BEIRUT (AP) — Al-Qaida’s the media and visitors who center background, at the government palace, in Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015.
affiliate in Syria released showed up to offer con-
more than a dozen Leba- gratulations. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)
nese soldiers and police it Earlier in the day, masked
has held for more than a Nusra Front fighters brought militant groups like the Af- peace plan agreed to last sia. Syria’s main Western-
year on Tuesday as part the captive troops in three ghan Taliban. month by 17 nations meet- backed opposition group,
of a Qatar-brokered deal pickup trucks to a meet- “Qatar pressured Nusra ing in Vienna that sets a the Syrian National Co-
in which Lebanon freed at ing point on the edge of Front to end this crisis in or- Jan. 1 deadline for the start alition, has called on the
least 11 prisoners, includ- Arsal to be handed over to der to introduce the Nusra of negotiations between Nusra Front to disassociate
ing a former wife of Islamic Lebanese authorities, who Front as a group that ne- Assad’s government and itself from the global net-
State leader Abu Bakr al- were waiting along with gotiates. This is linked to the opposition groups. work founded by Osama
Baghdadi. Red Cross vehicles and the Vienna talks,” said Radwan The Nusra Front is not ex- bin Laden. Nusra Front, one
The release caps Leba- 11 prisoners who were part Mortada, an expert on ji- pected to take part in the of the most powerful fac-
non’s lengthy ordeal over of the exchange. hadi groups who writes for talks as it is considered a tions in the country, has so
the fate of its soldiers while Militants waving black al- Lebanon’s Al-Akhbar daily terrorist organization by far refused to cuts its links
also providing the al-Qai- Qaida flags fanned out newspaper. most countries, including with al-Qaida or abandon
da branch, known as the across the area, with sev- Murtada was referring to a the United States and Rus- its jihadi ideology.q
Nusra Front, with new lever- eral taking positions on the
age as a group that can roof of a building overlook-
be negotiated with. ing the location. The deal
“My happiness is beyond went ahead after trucks
description,” said a Leba- carrying humanitarian aid
nese policeman, one of entered Arsal as part of
the 16 released on Tues- the deal. Later Tuesday,
day, shortly after he was Qatar’s Foreign Ministry
brought to the point where acknowledged that it had
the exchange took place brokered the deal, saying
in the eastern town of Ar- it had received requests
sal, near the Syrian border. from the Lebanese govern-
Families and friends of the ment to negotiate.
abducted soldiers and The Gulf nation, a strong
policemen, who have supporter of insurgents
held a months-long sit- fighting to topple Syrian
in in downtown Beirut, President Bashar Assad, rel-
broke into a dance and ishes its role as a regional
cheered as news of the mediator and maintains
release reached them. channels to a broad range
Families were showered of parties, including Islamic
German Cabinet OKs military mission against IS in Syria
GEIR MOULSON expected a vote on Friday. could be sent to Turkey’s significant “safety buffer.” no political aim, no politi-
Associated Press Following the Paris attacks, Incirlik air base next week “We are doing what is cal concept, and so it is ir-
BERLIN (AP) — The German Merkel agreed to honor if parliamentary approval militarily needed, what we responsible.” The German
Cabinet approved plans a request from France to comes this week, though can do best and can ac- military’s biggest current
Tuesday to commit up to provide support for its op- for logistical reasons re- cept politically,” he said. foreign deployment is in
1,200 soldiers to support the erations against IS in Syria. connaissance flights won’t Left-leaning opposition NATO’s Resolute Support
international coalition fight- Germany plans to send up start before January, De- parties in Parliament are training mission in Afghani-
ing the Islamic State group to six Tornado reconnais- fense Ministry spokesman deeply skeptical, question- stan, where it has just un-
in Syria. The mandate still sance planes, tanker air- Jens Flosdorff said. ing whether there is suf- der 1,000 troops. It had
requires parliamentary craft and a frigate to help Foreign Minister Frank- ficient legal basis for the some 5,000 soldiers there
clearance but Chancellor protect the French aircraft Walter Steinmeier told the move. “The legal question at the height of the previ-
Angela Merkel’s governing carrier Charles de Gaulle daily Bild he doesn’t ex- is not the only one,” Sim- ous combat mission.
coalition has a huge ma- in the eastern Mediterra- pect Germany to have one Peter, a leader of the Germany also plans to in-
jority and its approval looks nean, but won’t actively 1,200 soldiers participating Greens, told ARD televi- crease its involvement in
assured. Senior lawmakers engage in combat. at any one time. He said sion. “We say clearly that Mali, where it currently has
from her conservative bloc Two Tornados and a tanker that upper limit includes a this deployment also has just over 200 soldiers.q