Page 9 - AM201003
P. 9

Diasabra, 3 October 2020                                     AWEMainta                                                                       9

                                  Parlamentario Alan Howell ta para tras di piscadornan

                   Dentro di 10 dia e gedoogbeleid pa

                                spearfishing lo mester ta cla

       DIAHUEBS anochi  despues cu
       e reunion  publico den Parlamento

       riba e tema di problematica di pes-
       ca a termina,  Parlamentario Alan

       Howell a indica cu ta un gran anochi
       especialmente p’e homber chikito.

       E ta  indica cu Parlamento ta un
       lugar serio y su meta principal ta pa

       para tras di su pueblo, di su hende-
       nan humilde.

       E opinion aki el a vocifere for di si-

       man pasa y contrario na loke algun
       a pensa cu esaki lo bira un wega of

       un cherchamento, “ora cu mi para
       pa  algo, mi ta para  tras di mi pa-

       labra. Nos hendenan humilde, nos
       piscadornan  tabatin mester di un

       Parlamento cu ta para fuerte patras
       di nan,  un  Parlamento cu  ta com-

       pronde nan dolor”.
                                                                        Results of the                                    Results of the
                                                                    Government of Aruba                                Government of Aruba
       Mas aleu Howell a bisa cu diahuebs                        bonds issue – Afl. 40,000,000.00                  bonds issue –USD 50,000,000.00
       mes a pasa di un bijeenkomst pa un                     5.30% SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 – 2027                   5.30% SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 – 2027
                                                        Issuance pursuant to the State Decree of September   Issuance pursuant to the State Decree of September
       reunion publico caminda a presenta
                                                        23, 2020 no. 1 (AB 2020 no. 142) in implementation   23, 2020 no. 1 (AB 2020 no. 142) in implementation
       un mocion y pone mas presion riba                of the article 2 of the State Ordinance of March 25,   of the article 2 of the State Ordinance of March 25,
                                                        2020 establishing the budgets of the Ministries of   2020 establishing the budgets of the Ministries of
       Gobierno, indicando asina cu Parla-
                                                        Aruba for the 2020 service  year (AB 2020 no. 40),   Aruba for the 2020 service  year (AB 2020 no. 40),
       mento tin e situacion aki na serio.              article 2 of the State Ordinance of  March 25, 2020   article 2 of the State Ordinance of  March 25, 2020
                                                        authorizing the  Minister of  Finance to cover its   authorizing the  Minister of  Finance to cover its
       Na  final  di  e  reunion  a  pasa  den
                                                        financing needs in the 2020 service  year (AB 2020   financing needs in the 2020 service  year (AB 2020
       forma unanime un di e mocionnan                  no.40), the articles 3, 5, 6, second paragraph, 7, 15,   no.40), the articles 3, 5, 6, second paragraph, 7, 15,
                                                        16 and 17 of the State Ordinance Treasury Paper (AB   16 and 17 of the State Ordinance Treasury Paper (AB
       na bienestar di e piscador, urgien-
                                                        1987 no. 3), and Articles 2, 3, 4, 9, first and third   1987 no. 3), and Articles 2, 3, 4, 9, first and third
       do Gobierno pa dentro di 10 dia di               paragraph, 10, 11, 12, second paragraph, 13, 14, first   paragraph, 10, 11, 12, second paragraph, 13, 14, first
                                                        paragraph, part a, and second paragraph,  16, 17,   paragraph, part a, and second paragraph, 16, 17,
       trabou por haya un gedoogbeleid pa               second paragraph, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28 and 29 of the   second paragraph, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28 and 29 of the
       piscadornan  di  spearfishing  y  per-           State Decree on Treasury Paper (AB 1988 no. 6),   State Decree on Treasury Paper (AB 1988 no. 6),
                                                        State Decree Financing Requirement 2020-IV.       State Decree Financing Requirement 2020-IV.
       miti e personanan aki pone cumin-
                                                        The Central Bank of Aruba informs that, in applying   The Central Bank of Aruba informs that, in applying
       da riba mesa pa nan ser keri.                    a tender system as laid down in the document “Policy  a tender system as laid down in the document “Policy
                                                        governing Government of  Aruba’s electronic  bond   governing Government of  Aruba’s electronic bond
                                                        issue  via a tender system”, the effective  yield   issue  via a tender system”, the effective  yield
       Alan Howell tin e confiansa cu Go-               amounted to 5.6885percent for the above-mentioned   amounted to 5.9348percent for the above-mentioned

       bierno  lo  haci  su  maximo esfuerso            bond issue for the amount of Afl. 40,000,000.00 with   bond issue for the amount ofUSD50,000,000.00 with
                                                        a  maturity  of  7 years  at  yearly  coupon of  5.30  a  maturity  of  7 years  at  yearly  coupon of  5.30
       pa keda cla cu e gedoogbeleid dentro             percent. This amount has been fully subscribed.   percent. This amount has notbeen fully subscribed.

       di e termino stipula, logrando asina
                                                        Aruba, October 2, 2020                            Aruba, October 2, 2020
       un avance p’esnan cu tin spearfish-              Centrale Bank van Aruba                           Centrale Bank van Aruba

       ing como nan ofishi.
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14