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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 10 July 2018
            Filmmaker to open WWII education center in Rhode Island

            By JENNIFER McDERMOTT                                                                                               ans' oral histories.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    "We  really  want  them  to
            PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — A                                                                                           experience  the  personal
            filmmaker  who  shares  the                                                                                         side of war and what it cost
            stories  of  World  War  II  vet-                                                                                   people," he said. "It's taking
            erans is opening an educa-                                                                                          the best of what other mu-
            tion center in Rhode Island                                                                                         seums do and combining it
            so students can learn about                                                                                         with what we do."
            the war and meet the men                                                                                            Gemma  Birnbaum,  at  the
            who fought in it.                                                                                                   National  WWII  Museum,
            Tim  Gray,  founder  of  the                                                                                        said  lessons  from  the  war
            nonprofit World War II Foun-                                                                                        about  global  citizenship,
            dation, has made 21 docu-                                                                                           empathy  and  immigra-
            mentaries  and  amassed                                                                                             tion  are  relevant  today.
            a  large  collection  of  arti-                                                                                     Birnbaum,  director  of  the
            facts,  including  uniforms,                                                                                        media and education cen-
            helmets, documents, flags,                                                                                          ter  at  the  museum  in  New
            maps and other items used                                                                                           Orleans,  said  she's  familiar
            in battle.                                                                                                          with the foundation's plans
            He  has  leased  space  in                                                                                          in Rhode Island.
            Wakefield,  Rhode  Island,                                                                                          "They  have  an  ability  to
            and plans to open in Sep-                                                                                           reach  a  community  that
            tember.                                                                                                             doesn't  necessarily  have
            Gray  envisions  the  center                                                                                        access to these stories and
            as a place where students                                                                                           this type of history," she said
            and researchers can watch                                                                                           Friday. "There's a real need,
            the films, hold the artifacts                                                                                       so what they're doing is im-
            and talk to veterans he'll in-  In this June 22, 2018 photo, various uniforms from World War II are assembled with other personal   portant."
                                         items which are destined for a planned World War II education center in Wakefield, R.I.
            vite there.                                                                                        Associated Press  There  is  a  WWII  museum
            World  War  II  veteran  Rich-                                                                                      in  Natick,  Massachusetts.
            ard Fazzio said he wants to  troops  to  Omaha  Beach  died  to  keep  it  free,"  said  veterans'  stories  so  future  A  spokeswoman  at  the
            tell  students  about  his  ex-  during the D-Day invasion.  Fazzio,   of   Woonsocket,  generations  don't  forget  International  Museum  of
            periences.  The  93-year-old  "I  want  to  let  them  know  Rhode Island.             their  sacrifices.  He'll  lead  World  War  II  says  they  pri-
            Fazzio  piloted  a  boat  that  what  a  great  country  this  Gray  said  it  will  be  an  in-  discussions about the films,  marily  host  Massachusetts
            brought  some  of  the  first  is and how a lot of people  teractive  way  to  preserve  the  collection  and  veter-  schools.q

            Alyson Hannigan plays TV mom to glitter-loving 'Fancy Nancy'

            By LYNN ELBER                                                                                                       Hannigan:  It's  got  such  a
            Associated Press                                                                                                    good message. It's all about
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Alyson                                                                                           kids  being  kids,  in  an  au-
            Hannigan  is  clear  about                                                                                          thentic  way,  and  learning
            why she pursued a role on                                                                                           valuable  lessons  without  it
            the  "Fancy  Nancy"  TV  se-                                                                                        being preachy at all — just
            ries: Her daughters, ages 6                                                                                         celebrating individual  style
            and 9.                                                                                                              and  everything  that  that
            Hannigan  said  there's  a                                                                                          the  imagination  can  hold.
            "love  affair"  between  her                                                                                        It really celebrates being a
            family  and  the  books  by                                                                                         unique kid.
            Jane  O'Connor  and  Robin                                                                                          AP: Do you approach voic-
            Preiss  Glasser  about  a  girl                                                                                     ing an animated character
            who  doesn't  believe  in                                                                                           differently  when  it's  based
            plain-wrap anything, espe-                                                                                          on a book rather than cre-
            cially words.                                                                                                       ated for the screen?
            Hannigan was so intent on                                                                                           Hannigan: The family is very
            joining  the  Disney  Junior                                                                                        relatable to me, so I wasn't
            animated  series  about  the                                                                                        intimidated by these char-
            extravagant  Nancy  that                                                                                            acters  already  out  there.
            she  called  her  agent  and   This March 2, 2018 photo released by Disney Junior shows characters Nancy and her mother   The  mom  is  relatable  be-
            said she'd take any role, in-  Claire Clancey, voiced by Alyson Hannigan, from the animated series "Fancy Nancy."   cause she's a stay-at-home
            cluding that of Frenchy the                                                                        Associated Press  mom  with  two  kids  and
            dog.                         Associated    Press   about  the Fancy Nancy books?       was  wonderful.  And  it  cel-  she's up for all the art proj-
            She was picked instead to  the series debuting 11 a.m.  Hannigan:  I  like  the  fact  ebrates  how  passionate  ects.
            play mom Claire (opposite  EDT  Friday  and  shared  a  that it's a vocabulary lesson  Nancy  is  for  all  the  won-  I'm  sure  there's  always  a
            Rod  Riggle's  dad  Doug),  tongue-in-cheek  scheme  disguised in a very charm-        derful  things  in  her  world,  layer  of  glitter  everywhere
            adding  another  animated  to revive the 2005-14 sitcom  ing story.                    and  how  her  imagination  no  matter  how  much  she
            project  to  her  varied  list  "How I Met Your Mother," in  I immediately saw my (old-  is so vivid. And I love that it  cleans,  because  she  cel-
            that includes "Robot Chick-  which she played Lily.       er) daughter starting to use  captures  what  childhood  ebrates  the  kids'  imagina-
            en,"  ''American  Dad!"  and  Remarks have been edited  bigger  words  and  fancier  should be.                     tion and enthusiasm for all
            "Kim Possible."              for clarity and brevity.     vocabulary.  She  still  loves  AP:  Does  the  series  echo  the projects they get them-
            Hannigan  spoke  with  The  AP:  What's  the  appeal  of  language,  and  so  that  those themes?                   selves into.q
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