P. 55
Opinion Publico
Ta OK pa sigui cria porco usando resto di cuminda/
desperdicio of no
O R A N J E S T A D tempo mas ciudada- Aruba, tin hopi hende cumninda ta bay pa ali- bin di China, y di Vene-
hayando mal nutricion menta Porco cune. E zuela. Ken por garanti-
(AAN): Un ciudadano nonan tin di soporta e di come cos cu no ta lo afecta publico su sa- za e calidad? Increible
a splica, cu e ta kere cos aki. Lo pone fin pa aceptable. lud of no? pa mira mayornan ta
cu atencion di pueblo e costumber aki? prop Piñata di Fiesta cu
Pesey e kier sa, si E lector ta kere, cu e yen di mangel traha na
mester ta mas skerpi E ta referi cu hopi cri- acaso ainda na Aruba lo momento a yega pa Lab- China.
sigui permiti hende ta oratorio habri na Aruba
awor den 2015, mi- ador di bestia, ta sigui cria porco usando cum- cu ta bay dedica su mes Pa tanto sabi cu nos
rando cu hopi hende bBuisbcaaÊccaudmaÊminodma ebniteou di inda/desperdicio di Ho- 100% pa controla loke tin hende ta cana di-
tel y Restaurantnan. consumidornan local ta ploma na Aruba, pero e
taMcyusiodual ndodtoh mnaagnnifysathleudLordraensdtamuyraspnirtint ahnathyrehjoibicaedpina cumpra y come. ehecucion y proteccion
awGodr mmyiShaovriocuur. antes. Porconan. Imaginabo si tra- di salud di pueblo, ta
hadornan cu malesa, a Por haci investigacion laga hopi di desea.
WEithkdieeerp ssyam,paptahycanudalnotvoe we annoEuncteathceonvenci cu na handle e desperdicio riba varios producto, di
aki y na final e resto di e.o. cumindanan cu ta
passing of
Ms. Linda Rebecca James
Better known as “Linda”, “Da”, “MBisb. JaaÊmcaesd”aÊmomento
and “James Lady”.
MyBosronuol ndoAtphriml 1ag1nthif,y19th5e4 aLnodrdenatnedredmiyntsopirit hath rejoiced in
God myEtSearnvitoyuro.n February 20th, 2015
LWeiftthtdoemepousyrnm: pathy and love we announce the
Spaosns:ing oMf ichael James in The Netherlands
LikeMAdso.pLtedinsodna: RebeKcecnadriJckamTroemsp & family
Better known as “Linda”, “Da”, “Ms. James”
Sister: Jean aJnadm“eJsaimn eCsaLrraidacyo”u.
Born oLneAvparnicli1a1Fthra, n1c9i5s4inanNdewenYteorerkd into
EtEersnteitryPoanrkFeerbinruGareyo2rg0itah, 2015
Joslyn in Hawaii
Left to mAounrnnM: arie Dick in Carriacou
Son: Michael James in The Netherlands
Brothers: Carol Prime in the UK
Like AdoPpatetrdicskonJa: mes & faKmeinldyrinckNTerwomYpor&k family
Michael James & family in New York
LJeianncoJlanmJeasmiensC&arfraiamciolyu in Orlando Florida
Sister: RLeovlaanndci(aSFauracnec)iJsaimn eNse&w fYaomrkily in New York
GEsetoergPea(rBkeurchini)GJaemoregsia& family in New York
Jiomsly(JniminbHo)awJaamiies & family in New York
PAantnriMckarDieicDk i(cDkoign)CinarNriaecwouYork
Isaac Mills (Zico) in New York
APabtraichkamJamPoepse&infaCmarilryiaicnouNew York
Nieces &MNiecphhaewl Jsa:mJaensi&nefaanmdilJyamineNs PewrimYeorikn the UK
Lincoln JDamioensn&e afnadmNiliycoinleOPrrliamndeoinFNloeriwdaYork
Roland (SRaeuncieta) JJaammeess&&ffaammiillyyiinnNNeewwYYoorrkk
George (BLyunchdie)llJaJammeess&infaNmeiwlyYionrNk ew York
Jim (JimbKoe)rJryamJaems &es f&amfailmyiilny NineNweYwoYrkork
Patrick DDicwka(yDnoegJ)aimneNse&wfYamorikly in New York
Isaac MilAlss(hZleicyoJ)aimneNseiwn NYeowrkYork
NicholsoTnrSaivmisoJnamineSsciontlNanewd York
AbrahamKProisptea iJnamCeasrrinacNouew York
Nieces & NephewLs:leJaannainJeamaneds JinamNeeswPYriomrek in the UK
TDaisohnaneJaamndesN&icfoalme Piyriimn eNienwNYeowrkYork
TRaehniisthaaJJaammeess&infNamewilyYionrkNew York
TKaetryraynJnaamJeasm&esfianmNileywinYNorekw York
KDewvaiynnJeamJaemseisn &Cafrarmiaicloyuin New York
AnshdleoythJearms teosoinnuNmeewroYuosrkto mention
Uncles: Cosmos CThraavrliessJainmGesreinaNdaew York
Isaac JamKersisintathJaemUeKs in New York
Prince PrLimleeanina NJaemweYs oinrkNew York
Godchildren: TeansheaesJhaamSecso&tt ifnamAiryubina New York
HTaehnirsyhaScJoamtt eins AinruNbeaw York
JTurniciioar JNamoeelsininCNaerrwiaYcoourk
Best friends and bTudatdyiaens:naMJaamrjeosriienJNoseewphYork
Kevin JamVaelsceinniCaaFrrisatczopuatrick
And otheCrsetcoiloianIulmligedroeus to mention
HUenrclPeesr:soCnoaslmAossiCsthaanrtlaens dinnGeirgehnbaodra: Lydia Levestone
Staff andIsCaoaclleJagmueessinofththeeURKaddison Aruba Resort, neighbors
too numeProriunscetoPmriemnetioinnNanedwaYlloorkthers, please have us excuse if
wGeodhcahvieldfroerng:ottenTaennyeoenseh.aRSecqouttieimn AMruabssa for the late Ms. Linda
James will be on WHeednnreysdSacyo,tMt inarAchru0b4ath, 2015 at the Holy Cross
Anglican Church JsuintuioarteNdoaetl iWn eCgarSriearcooeu Preto 31 at 3.30pm,
fBoellsotwfreiednbdys acnredmbautdiodnieos:n TMhaurrjsodraiey,JMosaerpchh 05th, 2015. The late
Ms. James will be in reposeVoalnceTnuieasFdariys,tzMpatrrcihck03rd, 2015 from
6pm - 9pm at The Olive CTreeceiliFauInlleigradleHome in San Nicolas,
wHhererPeecrsoonndaollAenscseistawnitllanaldsonebieghabcocre:pLteydd.iaPlLeaesveesbteonaedvised that
tShtearfef wanildl bCeonlloeaogpueens coafsktheteaRt athdedicshounrcAhr!u! ba Resort, neighbors
too numerousBernhardstraat to mention and all134-136 - San Nicolas - Toetlh5e8r4s,8p8l8e8ase have us excuse if
Avenida E.J. ÒWattyÓ Vos 44 - Oranjestad - Tel 5820000
we have forgotten anyone. Requiem Mass for the late Ms.
James will be on Wednesday, 04th, 2015 at the Holy Cross
Anglican Church situated at Weg Seroe Preto 31 at 3.30pm,
followed by cremation on Thursday, March 05th, 2015. The late
Ms. James will be in repose on Tuesday, March 03rd, 2015 from
6pm - 9pm at The Olive Tree Funeral Home in San Nicolas,
where condolences will also be accepted. Please be advised that
there will be no open casket at the church!!
Bernhardstraat 134-136 - San Nicolas - Tel 584 8888
Avenida E.J. ÒWattyÓ Vos 44 - Oranjestad - Tel 5820000
www.theolivetreefuner alhome .com