Page 4 - MinSocComb12Jan2015
P. 4
Encuentro cu Glenn Sulvaran
Parlamentario Independiente
di Curaçao
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Du- “Mirando e cambio den mun- BAILA MALO, PASA BON. A little bird whispered in my ear that every Thursday at the end of main
rante su bishita na Aruba, Sr. do, mester bay interveni como street at the Baby Back Grill on Hospitalstraat all of town’s Kizomba dancers congregate to slowly,
Glenn Sulvaran di parlamento gobierno pasobra e muchanan ta smoothly and sensually dance holding on to their romantic partner tightly. It’s something to see. Rock-
di Curaçao, kende tabata na Ar- bao di influencia di hopi factor- N-Blues lovers will be happy to know that Thursdays at the Alhambra Casino & Shops, Will Roth and
uba den cuadro di e conferencia nan externo, manera den gang, his band Mojambo are performing live, entertaining patrons at the Hollywood Smokehouse and Fusion
di IPKO, a pidi un audiencia cu internet, influencia Social etc. Wine Bar, with their classic Rock and Blues repertory, from 8pm to 11pm. Last Thursday they had a
Minister Paul Croes. Sr Sulva- asina un gobierno mester segura crowd of music-lovers movin’ n groovin’ and having a great time.
ran y Minister Croes a topa pa su hubentud pasobra e hubentud BULERIA SHAKES THINGS UP. If I am told it was a good party, the statement is immediately
dialoga y compara riba e desa- ta bira bo pais” palabranan di followed by the admission that Buleria was there. The new band is stirring things up on the island’s
royo cu ambos pais tin pa mane- Sr Sulvaran. Minister Croes ta music scene. The formula is simple, but not that simple. Buleria has three very good-looking male
ho di hubentud. Sr Sulvaran a hopi agradeci cu e bishita di sr. singers upfront, crooning adorably in tight, form-fitting clothes, a la Menudo, only cuter. Their favor-
trece dilanti cu na Curaçao e ta Sulvaran y a bisa, “nos ta sinti ite music genre is the local bailable, which requires no expertise nor skill: Just hold on to your partner
kere cu nan Gobierno mester in- nos honra, unda cu a intercam- and grind, never moving off your designated floor tile. It’s sensual music which suggests making love
terveni cu un cierto methodiek bia di informacionnan valioso while standing upright. So what does the name of the band mean? Buleria, a Spanish Flamenco term
pa duna un mihor formacion na pa un bon maneho pa huben- signifies having a good time, making noise, leaving an impression. The band was founded by Elite
e hobennan di Curaçao, esaki ta tud, un punto importante cu Production & Entertainment, who is responsible for the instruments, the set up and the sound. Buleria
valido pa muchanan di 4 pa 24 nos a elabora ariba ta e aspecto has been giving us a good time since midyear 2014, and though Ghansham and Padma Mahtani
aña di edad y tambe muchanan di hobennan,particularmente would like to see their son married and blessed by a handful of kids, Krish doesn’t see a reason to
cu ta drop out for di school. hobennan di Curaçao y Aruba.” slow down, especially not during the next five weeks, as Empire Carnival Group takes to the streets
with Upgrade Music and Buleria on board under the slogan: 10% SLEEP...90% GRIND....Sky’s The
Pa e rason aki sr Sulvaran “Aruba ta haciendo hopi esfu- Limit. an explosion of energy, freedom of expression, talent, spontaneity and rhythms that initiate
kier a intercambia ideanan cu ersonan na desaroyo di talento- at the deepest, purest and most valuable cradle of all emotions: the heart!
e ministerio di Hubentud aki nan di hobennan, tambe ta in- an explosion of energy, freedom of expression, talent, spontaneity and rhythms that initiate at
na Aruba y Minister Croes na verti tempo, energia y finanzas the deepest, purest and most valuable cradle of all emotions: the heart!PWC WELCOMES THE
su turno a duna sr. Sulvaran in- den hubentud di Aruba pa asina NEW YEAR WITH A FRIENDLY BASH. The annual parking lot event received an upgrade this
formacion di estudionan cu ta por cosecha mihor probecho. E time with a contemporary set up, lights and live music by C-Zar Olarte and his band. Edsel Lopez
worde haci aki na Aruba. Segun potencial cu nos hobennan tin welcomed his guests warmly and declared 2015 the year of partnership and expansion. Optimistic
Sr. Sulvaran tin un fundacion mester haya e push y guia pa about the economic outlook of 2015, Lopez went on to warn against cheap advice-givers and signaled
cu ta encarga cu formacion di yudanan den nan formacion pa his company’s willingness and preparedness to help us all become more successful and efficient. The
hubentud y nan ta aplicando asina nan por desaroya e poten- party enjoyed an air of informality, hence the champagne toast was served about 10 minutes after Ed-
cierto methodonan. E aña aki cialnan aki. Un aspecto hopi im- sel suggested it, but we toasted anyway, and enjoyed the networking opportunities with Hans Ruiter
nan lo bay entrena y prepara tur portante cu sr Sulvaran a trece and the rest of the congenial leadership team. an explosion of energy, freedom of expression, talent,
esnan cu ta traha cu hobennan, adilanti ta e formacion di esnan spontaneity and rhythms that initiate at the deepest, purest and most valuable cradle of all emotions:
centro di barionan, entrenador- cu ta giua e hobennan, esaki ta the heart!
nan di deporte, maestronan y tur algo cu mi tin hopi interes pa sa CUBA’S COOKING OFFERS MUSIC EVERY DAY. Maestro Ramon who played at Cuba’s
otro personal cu tin di haci cu mas di e fundacion aki y tambe Cookin’ in the old days on Wilhelminastraat is back strumming his guitar with great charm and cha-
hubentud. Den cierto forma por e metodo cu ta worde usa pa risma on Wednesdays and Sundays. The rest of the week, the Cuban combo is there during evening
bisa cu ta un intervencion na- forma esnan cu ta guia e hoben- hours and Aldo the chef and his assistant come out of the kitchen to support it with percussion, when
cional acelera pa forma huben- nan. E metodo aki ta worde usa the pressure in the kitchen subsides. Cuba’s Cookin has a new lunch menu with Vegan and Gluten Free
tud, asina por crea e hoben cu caba den reino cu a surti posi- items marked for easy dietary info. Also they take on any dietary issues as long as they are given a
nos tur kier. tivamente cu hobennan. Locual bit of advanced notice, if it is complicated and requires special purchases. After all in the spirit of the
nos kier haci ta scuha con e met- legendary island, Cuba’s Cookin’ operated under Para Servile philosophy, which is part of the Cuban
odonan por worde aplica y siña culture, a genuine desire to serve and make it better. Everyone has the right to eat well and enjoy, says
for di experencia di otro, esaki the tambourine playing owner Douglass Marcus!
ta e parti esencial di e encuen- GOOD TIDINGS IN 2015. Daphne Agius Cesareo-Lejuez is now the new president of the Chamber
tro parlamentario na unda den of Commerce, she will be introducing that venerated organization to common sense and attention to
Reino ta apoya otro pa progreso detail. Daphne will be the 3rd female president in the chamber’s 85 years of existence. Our favorite
general.” Tabata palabranan di photographer, Steve Keith, and his gorgeous wife Jeanette are back on Aruba after living in Florida
Minister Paul Croes durante e for a few years. Jeanette will be assuming a leadership positing with Little Switzerland in Aruba. In-
encuentro cu sr Sulvaran di Par- dra Zaandam, previously at Arikok Park, has taken up a challenge previously answered by tourism
lamento Curaçao. adviser Sue Ann Lee at the Ministry of Tourism, she will light up that office with her smile and great
energy, the minister is lucky to have her! Raymond Habibe is now Director of Finance at the Mar-
riott in charge of five major operations, including the three resorts, the casino and the Marriott vaca-
tion rentals. I met him at Sam Electronics as he got himself some super-powered, hand-held phone/
computer and looked very happy about his purchase and about his new job. Vanessa Hollander’s stint
as Marketing Manager at Tropical Bottling/Brouwerij National Balashi came to an end on December
31st, 2014. She was there just over a year. Her boss Managing Director Wendell H. Bennett, has been
with the mother company since 1972!
BEACH POLICY, IN PLACE. We welcomed the new beach policy with great enthusiasm, because
before we had nothing. And I immediately read it with interest but it is very general and can be inter-
preted a million ways. Nevertheless, finally our number #1 asset is governed by a policy, and I have
many questions. I am mostly bothered by the pirates who rent chairs and umbrellas and I hope they
will have to reapply for their permits and that their petitions will be handled cautiously, and approved
for only a limited number of chairs and a limited number of umbrellas based on merit, not nepotism.
They can’t all be the minister’s relatives. Many of the nickel and dime hoteliers who charge extra for
beach lounges and palapas can be thanked for that private enterprise proliferation. They created an op-
portunity for the freelancers, who were encouraged by rebelling guests, to rent for less than the hotel
was charging, hence the of colorful stuff on the beach. The eternal question remains, who will enforce
and supervise??
DOG LAW, IN PLACE. The new dog law was just introduced and we welcomed it with great enthu-
siasm because we had nothing before. It basically aims at making us better pet owners, and keep our
dogs in the yard. The days of Owned-Strays are over, you can no longer sort-of own a dog, allowing
his to roam the street freely, from now on you have to commit, it’s yours and you are to treat it like a
member of the household. Thousands of puppies are put to sleep in Aruba each year because of the
over population, as the roaming strays are allowed to multiply. The new law is designed to reduce
those numbers by cracking down on canine casanova. The eternal question remains, who will enforce
and supervise??
LOCAL GARDENS AFFECTED BY WEATHER CHANGE. Going from drought to deluge my
bougainvilleas acquired a number of immune system issues, and are now recovering slowly. Having
been used to drought conditions they developed good coping skills. Then the rain came and they did
not know what to make of it. In their confusion, pests settled in. Naturally, with a weakened immune
system, the mealy bugs and spiders staged an invasion. John from Fantastic Gardens recommends
spraying against pest, clipping, and fertilizing. Mostly don’t lose hope, it will all recover if you help!
NEW PENHA AT THE HEAD OF THE MAIN STREET. The new store has an Urban Decay, store
within a store.It’s a great American trend-setting cosmetics brand, including eye shadow, lip gloss,
eyeliner, lip plumper, bronzer, mineral makeup & other cosmetics.