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locAl           Wednesday 31 January 2018

                A weekly calendar with a selection of what’s going on in Aruba

                                       Wednesday 31                                     Sunday 4
                                       Make your Own Mural                              Grand Children Parade
                                       •  Information evening on mural making in        •  Wonderful parade
                                           the fisherman Alley of Rancho. Are you           with children I their
                                           creative, and want to create a mural of          best costumes while
                                           your own. Then you are invited to be part        dancing on carnival
                                           of this creative project.                        beats
                                       •  6 – 7 pm                                      •  2 – 6 pm
                                       •  Centro Di Actividad Rancho, Oranjestad        •  San Nicolas
                                       •  Facebook Centro Di Actividad Ranchoen         •  Facebook SMAC
                                           Adopt an Alley

                                                                                        Super Bowl LII

               Thursday 1                                                               •  Watch the NBC Broadcast live & enjoy a Super Bowl Menu
                                                                                            inclusive Tailgating from 5 PM
               Amy Sorinio Live on the Beach                                            •  Tierra del Sol Restaurant
               •  Talented singer Amy Sorinio performs live on the beach during
                  dinner time. Her repertoire includes some of the world most           •  From 5 PM
                                                                                        •  Facebook Tierra del Sol Resort & Golf
                  famous ballads and hits, but her classical and musical set has
                  brought her the real fame
               •  7 – 10 pm
               •  Restaurant Hadicurari Aruba                                                                               Monday 5
               •  Facebook Hadicurari Aruba                                                                                 Night of Carnival
                                                                                                                            •  Youth and adults are
              Friday 2                                                                                                          welcome to join this
              Aruban Theme Night                                                                                                special class of ‘Zumba’
              •  Live entertainment and                                                                                         and ‘Soca Freestyle’
                 themed dishes with All You                                                                                 •  Centro di Bario Brazil,
                 Can Eat buffet                                                                                                 direction San Nicolas
              •  6 – 10 pm                                                                                                  •  6.30 – 7.30 PM
              •  Restaurant The Mill Resort                                                                                 •  Facebook Centro di Bario
                 & Suites                                                                                                       Brazil Aruba
              •  Facebook The Mill Resort &

                                                   Saturday 3                          Tuesday 6
                                                   Grand Lightning Parade              CEC Aruba Circular Economy Mapping
                                                   •  Aruba’s favorite parade is           Session
                                                      a visual treat. Thousands of     •  This event will expand your
                                                      tiny lights are incorporated         knowledge around circular
                                                      into costumes, road pieces           initiatives taking place in Aruba. It
                                                      and floats, intensifying             is also an opportunity to socialize
                                                      the dramatic effect to an            with other circular economy
                                                      already stunning, creative           professionals and enthusiasts, and
                                                      display                              brainstorm future projects.
                                                   •  8 pm – 2 am                      •  6.30 pm
                                                   •  Oranjestad, reserved view        •  University of Aruba, Oranjestad
                                                      from pool deck Renaissance       •  Facebook  Circular Economy
                                                      Resort                               Platform of the Americas
                                                   •  Facebook Renaissance
                                                      Aruba Resort & Casino
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