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                     Thursday 19 July 2018

            Puerto Rico’s power company sees 3rd CEO in 2 weeks

            By DANICA COTO                                                                         bonuses.                     ment  prepares  to  privatize
            Associated Press                                                                       Ortiz said his priority is to re-  the  generation  of  energy
            SAN  JUAN,  Puerto  Rico                                                               build Puerto Rico’s credibil-  and award concessions for
            (AP)  —  Puerto  Rico’s  gov-                                                          ity to help attract foreign in-  transmission  and  distribu-
            ernor  named  a  new  CEO                                                              vestment and reach a deal  tion.
            on Wednesday to lead the                                                               with creditors to resolve the  “We cannot keep planning
            U.S.  territory’s  power  com-                                                         agency’s  $9  billion  public  much further,” he said. “We
            pany, which has now seen                                                               debt.                        all know what needs to be
            three top executives in two                                                            “One  of  the  first  things  we  done.”
            weeks as it struggles with a                                                           have to do is pull the com-  Gov.  Ricardo  Rossello  is
            lack  of  leadership,  bank-                                                           pany  out  of  bankruptcy,”  among  those  who  have
            ruptcy  and  the  restoration                                                          he said.                     been  blamed  for  the  on-
            of  electricity  to  hundreds                                                          He also  said  he will  review  going turmoil at the power
            who  remain  in  the  dark                                                             multimillion-dollar   federal  company. A day after the
            since Hurricane Maria.                                                                 contracts  awarded  to  U.S.  previous CEO was appoint-
            Electrical  engineer  Jose   In this Oct. 19, 2017 photo, a brigade from the Electric Power   companies  who  are  help-  ed  last  week,  he  issued  a
            Ortiz,  who  once  served  as   Authority  repairs  lines  damaged  by  Hurricane  Maria  in   ing restore and rebuild the  statement  saying  that  the
            executive  director  of  the   community of San Juan, Puerto Rico.                     island’s electrical grid after  $750,000  salary  was  not
            island’s  water  and  sewer                                           Associated Press  the  Category  4  storm  de-  appropriate  given  the  is-
            company,  takes  over  the  resignation  last  week  after  week  following  an  outcry  stroyed up to 75 percent of  land’s economic crisis and
            Puerto  Rico  Electric  Power  nearly  four  months  on  the  over  the  $750,000  annual  transmission lines.      said that any board mem-
            Authority on July 23. He re-  job.                        salary that a previous CEO  Ortiz  promised  that  Puerto  ber  who  disagreed  should
            places  a  CEO  who  lasted  Ortiz once served as presi-  would  have  earned  amid  Ricans  will  see  “substantial  step  down.  Five  of  them
            only one day in the position  dent  of  the  power  com-  an  11-year  recession.  Ortiz  change” early next year at  did, including the CEO who
            and took over from anoth-    pany’s  board,  which  saw  will be making $250,000 an-   the  power  company  and  was  previously  part  of  the
            er CEO who announced his  five  members  resign  last  nually  and  will  receive  no  in  their  bills  as  the  govern-  board. q

                                                                      Arrest made for abduction, deaths

                                                                      of 3 Ecuador press workers

                                                                      Associated Press             and  said  he  was  respon-  lombian  judicial  investiga-
                                                                      BOGOTA,  Colombia  (AP)  sible for stopping the vehi-     tors  along  the  tumultuous
                                                                      —  Authorities  in  Colombia  cle carrying a reporter and  southern border with Ecua-
                                                                      have arrested an addition-   photographer  along  with  dor.
                                                                      al  person  for  the  kidnap-  their driver.              Investigators  believe  the
                                                                      ping  of  three  Ecuadorean  The suspect is known by his  El  Comercio  workers  were
                                                                      press  workers  who  investi-  alias  “Cherry”  and  is  con-  kidnapped in Ecuador and
                                                                      gators  say  were  killed  by  sidered  a  confidante  of  transported  by  rebels  into
                                                                      a  dissident  band  of  leftist  Walter  Arizala,  the  leader  Colombia.
                                                                      rebels.                      of a group of guerrillas.    Colombian       authorities
            In this June 29, 2018 file photo, relatives and friends attend the   Police   announced   the  Officials say Arizala’s group  have made several arrests,
            funeral service of journalists Javier Ortega, Paul Rivas and their   capture of Gustavo Angulo  is  also  responsible  for  the  but  Arizala  himself  remains
            driver Efrain Segarra, in Quito, Ecuador.                 Arboleda  on  Wednesday  recent  killing  of  three  Co-  at large.q
                                                     Associated Press

            Mexico’s president-elect rebuffed by Zapatista rebels

            Associated Press             would  participate  in  their  els who have long feuded
            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mex-      planned  forums  on  bring-  with Lopez Obrador.
            ico’s  leftist  President-elect  ing  peace  to  violence-  The  rebels,  who  staged
            Andres  Manuel  Lopez  Ob-   wracked Mexico.              a  brief  armed  uprising  in
            rador has been enjoying a  “They  already  did  it  with  1994 for greater indigenous
            honeymoon  of  sorts  even  the  pope,  and  now  with  rights,  have  largely  stayed
            with conservative business-  the EZLN (Zapatista Nation-  off the national stage since
            men,  but  was  rebuffed  by  al Liberation Army).”       2001,  but  remain  strong  in
            the Zapatista rebels.        After  winning  a  landslide  several townships they con-
            The  leftist  Zapatistas  issued  victory  in  the  July  1  elec-  trol in the southern state of
            a  statement  Tuesday  de-   tions, Lopez Obrador went  Chiapas.
            nying  they  have  had  any  on  an  offensive  to  recon-  The Zapatistas note that Lo-
            contact  with  Lopez  Obra-  cile with foes.              pez Obrador won’t take of-
            dor’s team and saying they  But  the  latest  disagree-   fice until Dec. 1. and hasn’t
            don’t want any.              ment started when Alejan-    been  formally  recognized
            The  Zapatista  leadership  dro  Solalinde,  one  of  the  by  the  country’s  electoral
            taunted  Lopez  Obrador,  president-elect’s  advisers,  tribunal  as  the  man  who    Mexico’s President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador speaks
            noting  his  aides  made  an  announced he was setting  will succeed Mexican Presi-    to  reporters  from  his  party’s  headquarters  in  Mexico  City,
                                                                                                   Sunday, July 15, 2018.
            error in saying Pope Francis  up initial contact with reb-  dent Enrique Pena Nieto.q                                           Associated Press
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