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P. 19
Tuesday 24 November 2015
Carson wants mosques, schools, supermarkets watched closely
Associated Press National security has be-
PAHRUMP, Nevada (AP) come a focus in the presi-
— Republican presiden- dential race over the
tial candidate Ben Carson last week after terrorists
said Monday mosques, launched a series of dead-
schools, supermarkets, ly attacks in Paris.
car repair shops and “any Carson on Monday also
place where radicaliza- backed up claims by Re-
tion is going on” should be publican rival Donald
monitored in light of terror- Trump, who has repeatedly
ist threats. charged that he saw vid-
Campaigning in Nevada, eo footage of thousands
the retired neurosurgeon of Muslims in New Jersey
addressed the need for cheering the Sept. 11 at-
increased surveillance of tacks. The claim has been
people in the United States refuted by local officials as
during an appearance untrue. But asked Monday
about an hour west of Las if he had seen footage of
Vegas. cheering Muslims in New
“I would say we use our in- Jersey, Carson said he had
telligence and we monitor seen it on the news.
anything: our mosques, a “There are going to be
church, a museum, a su- people that respond in- Republican presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson speaks at a rally, Monday, Nov. 23, 2015,
permarket,” he said, later appropriately,” he said, in Pahrump, Nev. Carson attended a briefing on Yucca Mountain and federal lands at the Nye
adding that monitoring adding that character- County commissioner’s office in Pahrump before holding the rally.
would come after multiple izing all Muslims as “bad
(AP Photo/John Locher)
reports or indications of people” because of the al-
radical activity. “We live in leged reaction would be a
a very different time right stretch.q
US State Department issues travel
warning following terrorist attacks
WASHINGTON (AP) — The bers of IS return from Syria
State Department is alert- and Iraq, and others not
ing Americans to the pos- affiliated with terror groups
sible risks of travel due to engage in violence on
increased terrorist threats their own. Extremists have
around the world. attacked in France, Nige-
A travel alert issued on ria, Denmark, Turkey and
Monday says current infor- Mali and IS has claimed re-
mation suggests that Islam- sponsibility for bombing a
ic State militants, al-Qaida, Russian airliner in Egypt.
Boko Haram and other U.S. citizens are advised to
terrorist groups continue be vigilant in public places
to plan attacks in multiple and on transportation and
regions. U.S. authorities say avoid large crowds, in-
the likelihood of terror at- cluding holiday events or
tacks will continue as mem- festivals.q
Detroit, Austin welcome Syria
refugees in spite of governors
JEFF KAROUB The Democrats spoke
Associated Press during a White House-ar-
DETROIT (AP) — The mayors ranged conference call
of Detroit and Austin are Monday, a week after nu-
welcoming Syrian refugees merous Republican gover-
despite pushback by their nors spoke out against fed-
states’ Republican gover- eral refugee policies.
nors following the deadly Texas Gov. Greg Abbott
attacks in Paris. has instructed refugee-
Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan resettling organizations to
says his city can support 50 stop helping Syrians. Michi-
Syrian families annually for gan Gov. Rick Snyder, who
the next three years. Mayor initially lobbied for refu-
Steve Adler says Austin has gees, has urged a pause in
accepted three Syrian ref- the resettlement program
ugees in the past two years until security concerns are
and another is coming. addressed.q