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PAGINA 54                                                      DIARIO                                                  DIAMARS 24 NOVEMBER 2015
Fashion Show di Atelier 89 dilanti San
Nicolas Store tabata grandi y unico cu
           artistanan local

                                                                                                                                            Valid till November 25

                                                                                               *matinee: saturday & sunday | late show: friday & saturday

                                                                                               AT RENAISSANCE                     AT PASEO HERENCIA
                                                                                               THE 33                             THE 33
                                                                                               daily:      4:45  7:45             daily:    5:30    8:30
                                                                                               matinee: 1:15                      matinee: 2:30
                                                                                               late show: 11:00                   late show: 11:30

                                                                                               JTAHYEPHAURNTG2E3RDGAMES: MOCKING  TJAHYEPHAURNTG2E3RDGAMES: MOCKING
                                                                                               daily:      4:45 8:15              daily:    5:00 8:30
                                                                                               matinee: 1:15                      matinee: 1:45
                                                                                               late show: 11:30                   late show: 11:45
                                                                                               SPECTRE 007                        SPECTRE 007
                                                                                               daily:      4:00 4:30 7:30 8:00    daily:    5:00 8:30 9:00
                                                                                               matinee: 12:30 1:00                matinee: 1:45 2:30
                                                                                               late show: 11:00                   late show: 11:45
                                                                                               BY THE SEA                         BY THE SEA
                                                                                               daily:      8:45                   daily:    5:45
                                                                                               matinee:                           matinee:
                                                                                               late show: 11:45                   late show: 11:30
                                                                                               OUR BRAND IS CRISIS                OUR BRAND IS CRISIS
                                                                                               daily:      7:00 9:30              daily:    8:45
                                                                                               late show: 12:00                   late show: 12:15
                                                                                               THE PEANUTS MOVIE 2D               THE PEANUTS MOVIE 2D
                                                                                               daily:      4:45                   daily:    6:45
                                                                                               matinee: 12:15 2:30                matinee: 2:00

                                                                                               DVEERCDLWUBENVEANN SSCINHTOEERNKTLJAEASS & DE TJAHYEPHAURNT G2EINR G2DAMES: MOCKING
                                                                                               daily:      4:00                   daily:    5:15 9:00
                                                                                               matinee: 12:00 2:00                matinee: 2:00
                                                                                               late show:                         late show: 12:00
                                                                                               WAR ROOM
                                                                                               daily:      6:00                   OSTNARSWAALRES TNICOKEWTS!
                                                                                               late show: 11:15
                                                                                                                 LATEST RELEASES

                                                                                               THE CINEMSA WILL BE CLOSED ON DEC 24TH & 31ST

                                                                                                BUY YOUR TICKET ONLINE AT WWW.CINEMAS.AW

ORANJESTAD(AAN): Diez            nan dilanti. Nana a haya un   Ramos, Candice Richardson,      modelahe artistico. Esaki den      Store, asina mes Ateliers 89
artista hoben di diferente edad  workshop pa algun dia y na    Maureen Tjon Sie Kie, Jamila    cuadro cu Gobierno di Aruba        kier a presenta nan fashion
a presenta nan talento den un    final a presente e modeshow   Phillips y Mirte Engelhard for  kier rebiba San Nicolas bek y      show conhuntamente cu e arte
show di modelahe presenta        aki. Mas cu 50 diseño artis-  di Hulanda y cu a duna e wro-   tambe ta den proceso di res-       y diseño di cada hoben. E ta-
pa Ateliers 89. Nan a yama e     tico di cada hoben a wordo    shop tambe e dianan prome.      cata mayoria di edificio di        bata e sitio ideal. E anochi aki
evento "Opposite Atraction".     presenta riba pasarela cu un  Tur cu un diseño diferente y    antes. Esaki tabata net e opor-    tabata tin presencia di Min-
Dilanti di edificio den renoba-  audiencia grandi di publico   unico traha pa nan mes. Esaki   tunidad cu Ateliers 89 a haya      ister Otmar Oduber y tambe
cion di Nicolaas Store na San    cu a yega cerca. Hobennan     tabata e prome Fashion Show     pa presenta nan fashion show.      parlamentario Lorna Varlack
Nicolas a hasi un anochi di      cu a participa tabata Darwin  cu Ateliers 89 a hasi na San    Apesar cu e monumento ta           cu a presencia tur e diseñonan
show y modelahe pa presen-       Winklaar, Charlene Croes,     Nicolas. Trahando hunto cu      den restauracion na Nicolas        cu e hobennan a traha.
ta e arte y talento di e hoben   Ligia Violenus, Mena Dirksz,  gobierno, Ateliers 89 a pre-
jong cu un futuro briyante       Caithlin Chong, Velvet Zoe    senta un proyecto di show di
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