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36                                                                                                    AWEMainta Diahuebs, 22 Juni 2017

                                                                       services at kooyman

                       KIDS CORNER Our kids corner will             PAINT MIXING What color can we mix           CUTTING SERVICE Board, lumber or
                       keep your kids entertained while you         for you today? Every imaginable color        steel doesn’t fit in your car? No problem
                       enjoy shopping in Kooyman Megastore          is possible. We can mix over 20.000          we can cut them to fit & transport ready.
                KIDS                                         PAINT                                        Cutting
                CORNER                                       MIXING                                       Service
                       where you’ll find all your hardware          different colors in the finish and the       Just ask our drive thru personnel.
                       needs and more.                              brand you choose.

                       KOOYMAN CAFÉ Need a break from               COLOR SCANNING Match that                    FREE ESTIMATES Good budgeting is
                       shopping? Visit our Kooyman Café for         fabulous color of your curtains. Bring       the first step in every project. Request
                       refreshments. Don’t miss our weekly          a color sample of any color or material      your material estimate completely free
                CAFE   specials and signature snacks listed on      and let our experts scan it and find the   FREE ESTIMATE  of charge and start off your project on
              and our facebook page.         matching paint color for you.                the right foot. Just ask our service desk

                       30 DAYS RETURN Oops, bought                  DELIVERY SERVICE Bought too much             PAYMENT SERVICES Use your
                       the wrong tile or drill? No problem,         or is it too big to fit in your car? No      preferred payment method. Cash,
                       at Kooyman you can always return             problem, we can deliver the materials        check, credit- or debit cards are all
                       purchased items within 30 days and get       and products for you. Just ask our drive     accepted. Payment made easy.
                       cash back! Ask for the conditions at our     thru or service desk personnel.
                       Service Desk.

                       GIFT CARD Looking for a great gift           DEMOS & WORKSHOPS Check our                  COLOR & INTERIOR ADVICE
                       for family & friends? Surprise them with     website, circular and facebook for our       Kooyman offers monthly free color
                       a Kooyman gift card in the amount of         demo & workshop schedule. we always          and design advice from a professional
                                                             DEMOS &
               GIFTCARD                                     WORKSHOPS                                     INTERIOR
                       your choice.                                 have handy themes so you can tackle   ADVICE  interior designer. Please visit our
                                                                    your next DIY project with confidence.       service desk at the Megastore for more
                       REDEEM FUN MILES You don’t                   HOW-TO-MANUAL Want to tackle                 ONE YEAR WARRANTY Every power
                       always need money to buy your                a DIY project? Check out our HOW-            tool you buy at Kooyman comes with a
                       products at Kooyman. Redeem your Fun   how to  TO-MANUALS. We offer step-by-step   one year   full one year warranty. In the event that
                       Miles to purchase products in our store.   MANUALS  guides with valuable tips, checklists   warranty   something is wrong with the power
                       Pay the full amount or a part of your        and must-haves.                              tool, we will repair it for free or replace
                       purchase with Fun Miles.                                                                  it with a new one!

                       2 X FUN MILES AND MEGA MILES                 KITCHEN DESIGN Standard or a                 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE Need
                       At least 2x Fun Miles on all your            gourmet kitchen? Design your custom          repair or maintenance on your (power)
                       Kooyman purchases! The multiplier     KITCHEN  kitchen with the help of one of our   REPAIR &   tools? No worries. Bring your powertool
                       starts at 2 times and can go up to even 5   design  kitchen experts. Create your own   MAINTENANCE  or garden machine to one of our
                       times the original quantity of Fun Miles!    dream kitchen.                               technicians available at our inhouse
                       Fun Miles; fun within your reach.                                                         Repair & Maintenance Desk.

                       KEY CENTER Need a spare key? Don’t           CUSTOM SCREEN AND REPAIR                     BBQ ASSEMBLY SERVICE Purchase
                       wait till you’re locked out. Visit our key   Need a repair or custom made screens         a barbeque of Awg 200.- or more and
                       center to make a duplicate of your most      for your windows or doors? We are            enjoy our free barbeque assembly
               Cutting                                                                                    assembly
                       important keys. Fast and easy while          happy to make these for you. Just ask        service.
                       you’re waiting!                              our service desk personnel.

              MORE FUN MILES                                                      KOOYMAN

              FOR YOUR MONEY!                                                     ARUBA

              2 x Fun Miles on all your purchases at Kooyman. Not                 Avenida E. J. (Watty) Vos 20
              only do we have the best quality products in store,                 Tel. 582 4040
              you can also get more Fun Miles for your money with
              our Mega Miles program.                                               OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK
              When you buy & swipe, you receive 1 x Fun Miles.  At the end of each quarter, all your
              purchases are added up and rewarded with:                           OPENING HOURS
                                                                                  Monday - Saturday .................................................07.00 am - 07.00 pm NON STOP
               YOUR TOTAL PURCHASES           MEGA MILES MULTIPLIER               Sunday.....................................................................................09.00 am - 02.00 pm NON STOP
               PER QUARTER (3 MONTHS)
               AWG. 0 - 2.000                 1 x EXTRA Fun Miles
                                                                                  •  This circular is only valid at Kooyman Aruba
               AWG. 2.000 - 10.000            2 x EXTRA Fun Miles                 •  All prices are in Aruban Guilders
               AWG. 10.000 - 25.000           3 x EXTRA Fun Miles                 •  Prices mentioned in circular are only valid on cash purchases & excluding BBO
                                                                                  •  Prices expire July 9th, 2017 or while supplies last
               AWG. > 25.000                  4 x EXTRA Fun Miles                 •  Kooyman is not liable for any typing and/or printing errors and reserves the
                                                                                   right to correct printing errors
              NOT A FUN MILES MEMBER YET?                                         •  Some items may be limited to stock on hand due to availability

              The Fun Miles welcome pack is available at our cash registers.      •  Price may change if there are extreme variations
                                                                                  •  Items may vary from illustrations
              It contains your own Fun Miles cards and key tag to carry on your key ring.  •  Contact our info desk for shipping and delivery information

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