Page 8 - ARUBA BANK - MAY 28,2015
P. 8
BUSINESSThursday 28 May 2015
US bank earnings up 6.9 percent in first quarter
MARCY GORDON “gradual but steady im- reported an increase in Banks also increased by ing 16.4 percent from the
AP Business Writer provement” for the bank- profit in the first quarter nearly 10 percent, or $756 same period last year to
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. ing industry, FDIC Chairman from a year earlier. Only million, the amounts they $4.9 billion. They showed
banks’ earnings rose 6.9 Martin Gruenberg said at a 5.6 percent of banks were set aside to cover losses on stronger growth in lending
percent in the first quarter news conference. Still, low unprofitable — the lowest loans. Lending grew by 0.6 than the rest of the indus-
from a year earlier as reve- interest rates continued to percentage of unprofit- percent, or $52.5 billion. try, the FDIC said.
nues increased, delinquent crimp banks’ profit margins able institutions since the The number of banks on But continued low interest
loans continued to fall and on loans during the Janu- second quarter of 2005. the FDIC’s confidential rates “remains a challenge
the number of “problem” ary-March period. The volume of delinquent “problem list” fell to a six- for banks,” Gruenberg said
banks reached a six-year The FDIC reported that U.S. loans fell by 6 percent, year low of 253 from 291 in The average net interest
low. banks earned $39.8 billion and the average noncur- the fourth quarter. margin on loans and oth-
The data issued Wednes- in the first quarter, up from rent loan rate declined Community banks scored er investments fell to 3.02
day by the Federal Deposit $37.2 billion a year earlier. from 1.96 percent to 1.83 strong earnings growth percent from 3.16 percent
Insurance Corp. showed Nearly 63 percent of banks percent, a seven-year low. in the first quarter, jump- from a year earlier.q
Wall Street recovers on hopes of Greece debt deal
KEN SWEET that “calm and determina- Trader George Baskinger works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Stocks ended
AP Business Writer tion” were needed in the fi-
NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks nal stretch of negotiations. higher Wednesday, recovering the most of their losses from the day before, as Greece
ended higher Wednes- Greece might miss a debt
day, recovering the most payment on June 5 if it appeared closer to resolving its latest debt issues. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
of their losses from the day fails to receive bailout
before, as Greece ap- funds from creditors, who when the central bank 2016. the market one way or an-
peared closer to resolving are demanding that the plans to start raising rates Market strategists argue other. “It’s an old but true
its latest debt issues. country make reforms to for the first time in almost that until the market has expression: the market likes
However, the overall mar- its economy. It is unclear a decade. Investors and some more clarity from certainty. Until we get that
ket remains directionless as whether an agreement strategists are split on when the Fed or from economic from the Fed, stocks are
most investors are focused can be reached in time the central bank will move, data, stocks are unlikely to unlikely to make any head-
on figuring out when the and Greece is dealing with with some thinking it could post solid gains. There was way,” said David Lefkowitz,
Federal Reserve’s long- three different creditor in- be as early as September no major economic data a senior equity strategist at
awaited interest rate in- stitutions: the International and most looking at early on Wednesday to move UBS.q
crease may come. Monetary Fund, European
The Dow Jones industrial Commission and European
average rose 121.45 points, Central Bank.
or 0.7 percent, to 18,162.99. Missing those payments
It had fallen 190 points on could destabilize the coun-
Tuesday. The Standard & try’s financial system and
Poor’s 500 index rose 19.28 eventually push it out of
points, or 0.9 percent, the 19-country eurozone, a
to 2,123.48 and the Nas- step that could shake the
daq composite rose 73.84 currency union and the
points, or 1.5 percent, to global economy.
5,106.59. The news helped the euro
The stock market was bare- stabilize against the dol-
ly higher for the first half of lar after its sell-off Tuesday.
the day, but gained mo- The drop in the euro was
mentum in the afternoon partially blamed for yester-
after Greece’s Prime Min- day’s stock market sell-off.
ister Alexis Tsipras said his Outside of Greece and the
country is near a deal with dollar, most of investors’ at-
its creditors. Tsipras stressed tention is on the Fed and
Michael Kors shares dive on sales weakness, outlook
LONDON (AP) — Michael 5.8 percent. Excluding cur- earlier. America. The results met ings between 74 cents
Kors’ stock plunged more rency fluctuations, the fig- Earnings, adjusted for non- the expectations of ana- and 78 cents per share on
than 10 percent in premar- ure slipped 1.7 percent. recurring costs, were 96 lysts polled by Zacks. revenue in a range of $930
ket trading after the seller In addition, the company’s cents per share. Michael Kors reported a million to $950 million.
of handbags, clothing and first-quarter and fiscal 2016 The results topped Wall full-year profit of $881 mil- Analysts polled by FactSet
accessories issued a weak forecasts came in well be- Street expectations. The lion, or $4.28 per share, on had expected 2016 earn-
outlook and said sales are low Wall Street expecta- average estimate of 16 revenue of $4.4 billion. ings of $4.67 per share on
being pressured by foreign tions. analysts surveyed by Zacks Going forward, the com- revenue of $5.03 billion
currency fluctuations. For the three months end- Investment Research was pany anticipates fiscal and first-quarter earnings
The company said ed March 28, Michael for earnings of 90 cents per 2016 earnings between of $1.03 per share on rev-
Wednesday that its fiscal Kors Holdings Ltd. earned share. $4.40 and $4.50 per share. enue of $1.09 billion.
fourth-quarter profit rose. $182.6 million, or 90 cents Revenue increased to Revenue is expected in a Michael Kors’ stock de-
But sales at stores open a per share. That compares $1.04 billion from $882 mil- range of about $4.7 billion clined $7.26, or 12 percent,
year, an important mea- with $161 million, or 78 lion as sales grew in Eu- to $4.8 billion. The retailer to $53.33 before the mar-
surement for retailers, fell cents per share, a year rope, Japan and North predicts first-quarter earn- ket opened.q