Page 4 - AHATA
P. 4

                                                                                                                        Wednesday 2 May 2018

         Through the eyes of

         Photography  is  a  fascinat-  reflect   their   sentiments.
         ing  art.  The  photographer  Working  on  a  small  island
         takes you into his world and  never  limited  my  creativ-
         makes  you  look  at  a  cer-  ity.”    -  www.instagram.
         tain topic through his eyes.  com/callmepetit -
         The  reflection  of  emotions
         that  counted  for  that  mo-  Anuar Habibe
         ment  touch  your  senses  Anuar  Habibe  is  a  stoked
         and  many  times  a  picture  about  culture.  Besides  his
         tells a story without speak-  photography  he  is  the
         ing.  Aruba  has  talented  founder  of  Culturaruba,  a
         photographers, young, ea-    platform for culture and art.
         ger, creative and with their  Seven years ago he dived
         own, particular style. Aruba  into  the  world  of  photog-
         Today presents to you three  raphy and was even more
         of these amazing personal-   passionate  about  this  art
         ities and a sip of their work.  of expression after reading
                                      books  related  to  photog-
         Jonathan Petit               raphy.  “I  actually  learned
         The jolly, always polite Jon-  more than how to take pic-
         athan  Petit  is  a  seen  pho-  tures. Visual design, laws of
         tographer on the island. He  perceptual    organization
         seems  to  be  everywhere  and the theory of colors as
         and he is a flexible person  well  as  their  influence  on
         to work with. “I am 24 years  emotions.”  His  style  is  –in
         old and a wedding & fash-    his own words- story telling,
         ion  photographer  based  documentary  and  street
         on the island of Aruba. My  photography.  “Those  are
         style is very much concept  all  related  to  each  other,
         driven as I work closely with  I  capture  life  moments,
         my  clients  to  understand  life  that  is  happening  now
         their  vision  and  help  them  while  I  am  working,  walk-
         find  unique  locations  that  ing,  feeling  and  moving.

                                                                     By Jonathan Petit

                                                                   My pictures are connected
                                                                   to psychology and sociolo-
                                                                   gy. They are about people
                                                                   and  their  behaviors,  our
                                                                   society  and  life.”  To  sum-
                                                                   marize you could say that
                                                                   he shows you ‘Art in every-
                                                                   day life’. “I show what I feel
                                                                   and  often  people  tell  me
                                                                   their  interpretation  which
                                                                   is a big compliment to me
                                                                   as  that  means  it  touched
                                                                   them.”  -  www.instagram.
                                                                   com/anhabibe -

                                                                          Continued on Page 14  By Anuar Habibe. Picture was taken in the district of Rancho in
           By Jonathan Petit                                                                    Oranjestad and is part of the series ‘Life on the streets’.
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