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Wednesday 2 december 2020 locAl
DCNA’s First Successful Big Live Nature Quiz:
Fun Online Learning and Connecting
Kids throughout the Dutch Caribbean
ORANJESTAD — The Dutch NA’s yearly Junior Ranger
Caribbean Nature Alli- Exchange Event, bringing
ance (DCNA)’s first Big Live youth of the six Dutch Ca-
Nature Quiz was recently ribbean islands together on
the start of a fun new cre- one island to learn about
ative way to engage kids each other’s nature, un-
through e-learning about fortunately was cancelled
nature in the Dutch Carib- this year due to the corona
bean. Last week 23 teams crisis. However, to counter-
of 1-4 kids between 11-14 act the circumstances of
year old throughout Aruba, this year with positivity, the tius and Nature Foundation Jong Bonaire. SCF and pate.
Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, online Big Live Nature Quiz Sint Maarten (NFSXM). Saba Nature Education
Sint Maarten and Stint Eu- was created to enhance co-organized an event at A Big Congratulations to
statius competed against the support for nature edu- “We are very proud of this Long Haul. On Sint Maarten the Winning teams! The
each other in a live online cation officers as well as kids who participated. It NFSXM also brought their winning team on Saba will
quiz. After many exciting youth while staying safely was great to watch the en- Junior Rangers together. soon go snorkeling/div-
and thrilling nature ques- on their respective islands. thusiastic kids from all over On St. Eustatius STENAPA ing trip and the others will
tion rounds, a team on the Dutch Caribbean, but got kids from Golden Rock receive a T-shirt with the
Saba won. Second place The live interactive quiz in- most important this was a Roman Catholic School logo. DCNA is aiming to
went to Sint Maarten and cluded questions on topics great learning opportunity and Bethel Methodist make this a yearly event,
third place to Bonaire. such as Flora and Fauna, to learn about the other School together. Besides potentially also for adults.
Ecosystems, Climate Ad- islands and its nature. We these groups, kids also par- So if you missed out, keep
The Dutch Caribbean Na- aptation and Sustainability look forward to doing this ticipated from home. We an eye on DCNA’s (social)
ture Alliance (DCNA), a and questions about the event in the future!” said are very grateful to all in- media channels and we
regional network of pro- National Parks of the Dutch Tineke van Bussel & Dahlia volved who gave the kids are looking forward seeing
tected areas set up to as- Caribbean- managed by Hassell, DCNA’s Big Live Na- the opportunity to partici- you next time!q
sist the Protected Area STINAPA Bonaire, CARMABI ture Quiz organizers
Management Organiza- on Curaçao, Aruba Nation-
tions of the six islands, sup- al Park Foundation, Saba On Bonaire kids of Jong
ports amongst other nature Conservation Foundation Bonaire and Stinapa’s Ju-
education programs. DC- (SCF), STENAPA on St Eusta- nior Rangers gathered at