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U.S. NEWSWednesday 2 September
Men who threatened Pokemon event denied bail Parents of women
killed on California
Kevin Norton, left, and James Stumbo await their dangerousness hearing at Boston Municipal said Stumbo posted a pho- pier now file claims
Court, Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015. The Iowa men, accused of making online threats of violence to of Norton’s car, with two
against the World Pokemon Championships competition in Boston, were ordered held without guns crossed on the trunk, PAUL ELIAS
bail Tuesday after Judge Thomas Horgan rejected arguments by their lawyers that their with the message, “Kevin Associated Press
comments amounted to idle online bravado. (Angela Rowlings/The Boston Herald via AP, Pool) Norton and I are ready SAN FRANCISCO (AP) —
for worlds Boston here we The parents of a San Fran-
DENISE LAVOIE ments amounted to idle Pokemon Championships come!!!” cisco woman who was fa-
AP Legal Affairs Writer online bravado. and had a 12-gauge shot- Simpson also described tally shot by a man in the
BOSTON (AP) — Two Iowa Judge Thomas Horgan or- gun, an AR-15 rifle and chatroom conversations country illegally said Tues-
men accused of making dered Kevin Norton, 18, of nearly 300 rounds of am- Stumbo participated in day that federal and local
online threats of violence Ames, and James Stumbo, munition in their car when with others in which refer- authorities contributed to
against a Pokemon com- 27, of Boone, held for at they tried to register for the ences were made to the the death of their daughter
petition in Boston were least four months as they event Aug. 20. Boston Massacre of 1770, through negligence and
ordered held without bail await trial. During a dangerousness the Boston Marathon bureaucratic bungling.
Tuesday after a judge re- Prosecutors say the men hearing in Boston Munici- bombings and the Colum- The family alleges in legal
jected arguments by their made social media threats pal Court, Boston police bine massacre. claims that a Bureau of
lawyers that their com- against last month’s World Detective James Simpson Stumbo’s lawyer, Ste- Land Management rang-
ven Goldwyn, said it was er left his loaded service
mere speculation that the weapon in a backpack in
“vague bravado talk” by plain view in his car before
Stumbo means a shooting the weapon was stolen in
would have been carried June.
out. The semi-automatic pistol
“This is just the way they all was later used in the July 1
spoke to each other,” he killing of 32-year-old Kath-
said. ryn Steinle.
But the judge noted that BLM spokeswoman Martha
the men brought guns and Maciel said the agency is
a large amount of ammu- cooperating with the in-
nition with them from Iowa. vestigation of the shooting
“This wasn’t just kid talk on but she declined further
the computer,” he said. comment.
Simpson said Norton post- The family and their attor-
ed a threatening remark neys filed three separate
after an online modera- legal claims seeking un-
tor banned him from a fo- specified damages from
rum for ridiculing another the BLM, San Francisco
participant.q Sheriff’s Department and
the U.S. Department of
Official: Ex-Jared Foundation chief to plead guilty Homeland Security. The
family said it would file law-
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The lease for the remainder of and money to fight child- raphy involving 12 minors suits if the claims are de-
former director of a foun- his life, prosecutors said. hood obesity. He is in fed- between March 2011 and nied.
dation created by long- The judge presiding over his eral custody. Fogle, who April 2015, prosecutors said. The parents said they were
time Subway spokesman case is not bound by the faces federal charges of None of the minors were filing the legal claims to
Jared Fogle has agreed to terms. distribution and receipt of aware they were being prevent a similar tragedy.
plead guilty to 12 counts of “Adults who sexually ex- child pornography and filmed while nude, chang- “We’re here not only for
child exploitation and one ploit children by producing traveling to engage in illicit ing clothes, or engaged in Kate, we’re here for every
count of child pornogra- child pornography know- sexual conduct with a mi- other activities, prosecutors citizen of this country who
phy, federal prosecutors ingly cause vast harm to nor, is expected to plead said. comes to San Francisco,”
said Tuesday. their victims and should ex- guilty at a Nov. 19 hearing. Federal, state and local Jim Steinle, the father of
Under the plea agreement, pect appropriately strong He has been released on authorities served a search the victim, said at a news
Russell Taylor, 44, cannot punishment,” U.S. Attorney home detention. warrant at Taylor’s home on conference at City Hall. “If
ask for a sentence of less Josh Minkler said in a news In the plea agreement, Tay- April 29 and found a cache you think this can’t happen
than 15 years in prison and release. lor admitted using multiple of sexually explicit pho- to you, think again.”
prosecutors can ask for a Taylor until earlier this year hidden cameras in his Indi- tos and videos Taylor pro- Juan Francisco Lopez-
sentence of up to 35 years, led the Jared Foundation, anapolis-area residences duced by secretly filming Sanchez, 45, has plead-
followed by supervised re- which raises awareness to produce child pornog- the minors at this home.q ed not guilty to a murder