Page 14 - ATA
P. 14
LOCALWednesday 2 December
ATA NL Participates in JFK Greatest Man of the Year Awards
DJ Armin van Buuren was stay at the Hyatt, a special
the winner at this event at- island tour with De Palm
tended primarily by high- Tours, three dinners at fine
profile male celebrities and restaurants, and a golf clin-
AMSTERDAM - ATA Neth- the Year” Awards,” a pop- male Dutch celebrity who
erlands teamed up with ular, well publicized event has made huge strides in
luxury men’s magazine JFK held in Amsterdam, Neth- their area of expertise over
Magazine recently at this erlands. the past year. This year,
year’s “Greatest Man of The prize is awarded to a internationally renowned
businessmen. ic and windsurf lesson.
An important aspect of During the auction, a short
the awards night is a spe- video on Aruba was shown
cial auction for charity, in in the background.
which ATA NL took part.
They auctioned off a spe- In addition to exposure
cial “Aruba active trip” that night, Aruba will have
consisting of a seven-day a full page spread in JFK