Page 18 - MIN TTC 22 FEB 2016
P. 18

S & E8AMIGOE                                                                      ntertainment                                                                  Colofon                                                             9ZATERDAG
Televisieprogramma's                                                                                                                                            UITGEVERIJ AMIGOE NV                                                20 FEBRUARI 2016
                                                                                                                                                                Telefoon (centrale): 767- 2000
Nederland                          11:00   Dior et moi                 15:20  De gevaarlijkste wegen van                                                        Kaya Fraternan di Skèrpènè z/n                            Elize Augusta
                                   11:51   Help! Een homo in de klas!         de wereld                                                                         Curaçao N.A.                                              Medewerkers: Norwin Reineta,
16:25   Moltalk                    12:00   Socutera                    16:20  Zondag met Lubach                                                                                                                           Angelique Fidanque-Paula.
16:55   Cojones                    12:10   Journaal                    16:55  24 uur met ...                                                                    Directie:
17:35   Studio sport Eredivisie    12:40   Jacobine op zondag          17:50  The Graham Norton show                                                            Fax: 767-2060                                             Ñapa:
18:35   Studio sport               13:10   Kunstuur                    18:45  Rambam                                                                            E-mail:                               E-mail:
19:05   Journaal                   14:15   Podium Witteman                                                                                                      Ernest Voges                                              Linda van Eekeres (bladmanager)
19:15   Kanniewaarzijn                     Close Up: Trends _          TeleCuraçao                                                                              Michael M. Voges                                          Tel: 736-9050
19:55   Dokter Deen                15:15   Een verborgen wereld                                                                                                 Elham El Hage (secretaresse)
20:55   EenVandaag                         Langs de oevers van         16:00 Arte pa Tur (r)                                                                    Karin Wooning                                             Opmaak:
21:30   Journaal                   16:05   de Yangtze                  17:00 KPEK (r)                                                                                                                                     E-mail:
21:35   Journaal                   17:00   VPRO Tegenlicht             18:00 Bo ta Sigur? (r)                                                                   Redactie:                                                 Hoofd: Lillian Cordilia
21:54   Tekst-tv                   17:35   Nieuwsuur                   18:30 Curaçao On                                                                         Fax: 767- 4744                                            Wendela Ataliede
                                   18:05   De monitor                  19:00 Desiree’s Gourmet                                                                  E-mail:                               Stephanie Heyer
                                   18:35   Kruispunt                   20:00 TeleNotisia                                                                                                                                  Ludwig Rama
                                           Adieu God?                  20:30 Ñ DonuW Stop                                                                       Eindredacteur:                                            Edseline Angelo
                                                                       21:00 Wega di Number Kòrsou                                                              Liesbeth Mantel                                           Marisa Eduarda
Zondag 21 februari                 Nederland                           21:10 Partsispashon di Morto                                                             Verslaggevers:                                            Freddy Jiménez
3:05 Nederland in beweging                                             21:15 De Frente ku Lupe                                                                  Raily Polonius,                                           Andre Nagtegaal
3:30 Tijd voor MAX                 16:45   Mindf*ck                    22:15 Caribbean Passport                                                                 Marija Stojanovic,
4:30 WNL op zondag                 17:20   58th annual                 23:00 Spoorloos                                                                          Jomaira vd Meulen-Angela,                                 ICT:
5:30 VPRO Vrije geluiden                   Grammy Awards                                                                                                        Nelly Rosa,                                               E-mail:
6:20 VPRO Boeken                   19:50   Mr. Robot                   Zondag 21 februari                                                                       Shelley Tjauw-Foe,                                        Shernon Haynes
7:00 Journaal                      20:40   Gomorra                     7:00 Youth Experience (r)                                                                Jeroen Baldwin (sport)
7:10 Buitenhof                     21:30   Weekendcrashers             8:00 Mi, Bo, Nos Salu (r)                                                                Johannes Visser                                           Drukkerij:
8:10 Studio sport                  22:00   Het beste van 101TV         8:30 Vive la Salud                                                                       Marcy Rozendal                                            Barbara Blom
10:15 Studio sport                 23:59   Tekst-tv                    9:00 Ban Papia di Salú (r)                                                                                                                         E-mail:
11:20 Studio sport                                                     10:00 Herensia –                                                                         Bureauredactie:
12:20 Studio sport                 Zondag 21 februari                  Valdemar Marcha (r)                                                                      Ad van Loon,                                              AMIGOE (BONAIRE)
13:00 Journaal                     1:30 Kabouter Plop                  11:00 Vaye di Alabansa                                                                   Nathaly Dalnoot (secretariaat),                           E-mail:
13:10 Studio sport                 1:35 Het kleine spookje Laban       11:30 Santu Sakrifiso di Misa                                                            Correctie: Ari Manse (coõrdinator),                       Redacteur: Janita Monna
14:00 Studio sport Eredivisie      1:40 Mike de ridder                 13:00 Show Musikal TCFM                                                                  Ingrid Kerstjens,                                         E-mail:
15:00 Journaal                     1:55 Pieter Konijn                  16:00 Mortonan di Guera (r)                                                              Ellen Rink (bureauredactie/correctie)                     (+5999)795-0307
15:20 Maestro                      2:05 Wickie de Viking               17:00 Destinos                                                                                                                                     Advertentie en incasso:
16:30 TV show                      2:15 Ringel Singel 19               17:30 Wega di Number Kòrsou                                                              Correspondenten:                                          Eric Beeldsnijder
17:20 Studio voetbal               2:25 Kindertijd                     17:45 Sorteo Ekstra                                                                      Curaçao: Judith Ramautar                                  E-mail:
18:10 Heer & meester               2:50 Shaun het schaap               18:00 Before & After Magazine                                                            Bándabou: Xavora Ricardo-van der Biest                    +599-7861542
18:20 Cojones                      3:00 The jungle book                19:00 Leu Fo’i Kas (r)                                                                   Nederland: Otti Thomas                                    Abonnement:
18:55 Journaal                     3:10 Twisted whiskers               20:00 TeleNotisia
                                   3:20 Studio snugger                 21:25 Partisipashon di Morto                                                             Advertentie:                                              Persagentschappen:
Nederland                          3:40 Zappsport                      21:30 Foro riba Zika                                                                     Fax: 767-4524                                             ANP
                                   4:00 Taart                          22:00 Curaçao Vive                                                                       E-mail:                            AP
16:45   Mindf*ck                   4:25 Beestieboys                    23:00 Opsporing Verzocht                                                                 Contactpersoon: Marloes Tak                               Samenwerkingsovereenkomst:
17:20   58th annual                4:50 Taarten van Abel                                                                                                        Acquisitie:                                               The Daily Herald (St. Maarten).
        Grammy Awards              5:15 Weekoverzicht SpangaS                                                                                                   Yolène Hollander,                                         De Ware Tijd (Suriname)
19:50   De nachtzoen               6:10 Welkom in de                                                                                                            Joyce Gijsbertha,                                         Foto’s: AFP/AP
20:00   Nieuwsuur                                                                                                                                               Karin van der Lubbe,
20:40   Nieuwsuur                               IJzeren Eeuw                                                                                                                                                              Distributie/abonnementen:
21:10   Tekst-tv                   6:35 Welkom in de                                                                                                              vents                                                   Office manager: Arletty Lacroes
Zondag 21 februari                              IJzeren Eeuw                                                                                                    NIGHTLIFE                                                 Tel: 747-0630/747-0631
1:55 Jacobine op zondag            7:00 Welkom in de                                                                                                                                                                      Fax: 747-0651
2:25 Adieu God?                                                                                                                                                 Sonnos
3:00 De wandeling                               IJzeren Eeuw                                                                                                    February 20, 5 PM                                         Horeca Beerpong
3:30 De verwondering               7:25 Welkom in de                                                                                                            Zanzibar                                                  Tournament
3:55 Bakkie troost                                                                                                                                                                                                        February 29, 9 PM
4:10 Nederland zingt op zondag                  IJzeren Eeuw                                                                                                    27 Live: Sleeves                                          Cafe de Tijd
4:55 De kapel                      7:50 Brugklas                                                                                                                February 20, 10 PM
5:05 Metterdaad                    8:40 Peperbollen                                                                                                             27                                                        ART & CULTURE
5:15 Geloofsgesprek                9:10 Mijn vader is de beste!
5:30 Eucharistieviering            10:00 Willem Wever                                                                                                           Madero Club Night                                         Carf Meet & Greet
6:35 De nieuwe wereld              10:30 Achtste groepers                                                                                                       February 20, 10 PM                                        February 20, 10 AM
7:19 Wilde ganzen                                                                                                                                               Madero Beach Club                                         Beshiweg 1
7:25 De verandering                             huilen niet
7:55 Fryslân dok                   12:05 Zappsport                                                                                                              Toon Roos Quintet                                         Wall Collage Workshop
8:25 Verborgen verleden            12:20 De magische winkel                                                                                                     February 22, 10 PM                                        February 20, 10 AM - 1 PM
9:20 Andere tijden                 12:35 Thunderbirds are go!                                                                                                   Miles                                                     Landhuis Bloemhof
9:50 Het uur van de Wolf:          13:00 Caps club
                                   13:30 Zapp weekjournaal                                                                                                      27 Manic Monday                                           Women in Leadership
                                   14:00 Titaantjes                                                                                                             February 22, 9 PM                                         Seminar
                                   14:25 Zapp echt gebeurd                                                                                                      27                                                        February 23, 1.30 PM
                                   14:46 Socutera                                                                                                                                                                         Avila Hotel
                                   14:47 3 op reis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Literair Café
BVN                                                                           RQ                                                                                Lovely Ft. Gino                                           February 25, 7 PM - 9.30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                February 24, 7.30 PM                                      Landhuis Bloemhof
15:05:  Welkom in de               02:40:  Latijns-Amerika                                                                                                      Zanzibar
        IJzeren Eeuw               03:05:  Landinwaarts                                                                                                                                                                   Choir concert: Requiem of
15:30:  BinnensteBuiten                    Welkom in de                                                                                                         Acoustic Meanings                                         Cherubini in C minus
15:55:  Weekoverzicht SpangaS      03:30:  IJzeren Eeuw                                                                                                         February 24, 9 PM                                         March 4, 8 PM
16:50:  Sesamstraat                03:55:  BinnensteBuiten                                                                                                      27                                                        Fortchurch
17:05:  NOS Journaal               04:50:  Weekoverzicht SpangaS
17:10:  Mijn vader                 05:05:  Sesamstraat                                                                                                          Nine Dot Five                                             Arte di Palabra Korsou
17:20:  De geonauten               05:10:  NOS Journaal                                                                                                         February 24, 9.30 PM                                      March 5, 10 AM
17:40:  Klaas kan alles            05:20:  Mijn vader                                                                                                           Cabana Beach                                              K Center
18:05:  De Kennis van Nu           05:40:  De geonauten
18:35:  EenVandaag                 06:05:  Klaas kan alles                                                                                                      The Loading Band                                          Yes, You Can live your
19:00:  NOS Sportjournaal          06:35:  De Kennis van Nu                                                                                                     February 27, 5 PM                                         dream!
19:10:  VRT Journaal               07:00:  EenVandaag                                                                                                           Zanzibar                                                  March 5, 10 AM - 1 PM
19:40:  Kalmte kan u redden        07:10:  NOS Sportjournaal                                                                                                                                                              Gallery Alma Blou
20:35:  NOS Journaal               07:40:  VRT Journaal                                                                                                         Karaoke
20:50:  Weerbericht Europa/Afrika  08:35:  Kalmte kan u redden                                                                                                  February 27, 9 PM                                         Power Walk
20:55:  Wie is de Mol?             08:50:  NOS Journaal                                                                                                         Café de Tijd                                              March 6, 7 AM
21:50:  Moltalk                    08:55:  Weerbericht Europa/Afrika                                                                                                                                                      Rust & Burg
22:15:  Het Mooiste Meisje         09:50:  Wie is de Mol?
        van de Klas                10:15:  Moltalk                                                                                                                                                                        International Swim Fashion
23:00:  NOS Studio Sport                   Het Mooiste Meisje                                                                                                                                                             Week
        Eredivisie                 11:00:  van de Klas                                                                                                                                                                    March 2 - 6
23:50:  Nieuwsuur                          NOS Studio Sport                                                                                                                                                               Papagayo
                                   11:50:  Eredivisie
Zondag 21 februari                 12:20:  Nieuwsuur                                                      Horoscoop Voor morgen                                 LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Make a point to help
00:20: Weerbericht Amerika/                Weerbericht Amerika/                                                                                                 someone today and you will feel good about your-
                                   12:25:  Caribiën                                                       ARIES (March 21-April 19): Face any challenge         self. Try to bring about positive changes for some-
            Caribiën               12:50:  NOS Studio Sport                                               with strength and courage, and you will make a        one in need. Your kindness will be appreciated
00:25: NOS Studio Sport            13:00:  Iedereen beroemd                                               lasting impression. Once you have taken care of       and will impress someone you love. Romance is
00:50: Iedereen beroemd            13:30:  VRT Journaal                                                   pressing matters, it will be time to enjoy what you   featured. 4 stars
01:00: VRT Journaal                        De zevende dag                                                 have accomplished. Make your love life a priority.
01:30: De Wandeling                                                                                       5 stars
01:55: Freek Vonk In

                                                                                                          TAURUS (April 20-May 20):                             SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Don’t fight opposi-
                                                                                                          Do what you can, but don’t feel the need to go past   tion. Go about your business and give everyone
                                                                                                          the call of duty. Someone will take advantage of      the freedom to choose to do what he or she wants.
                                                                                                          you if you are too eager to help. Take time to be     You’ll face less interference if you aren’t intrusive or
                                                                                                          with friends or work toward a similar goal as your    controlling. Work on self-improvements, not on try-
                                                                                                          peers. 2 stars                                        ing to change others. 2 stars

                                                                       sudoku 19 feb                      GEMINI (May 21-June 20):                              SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): A day trip will
                                                                                                          Keep your thoughts and feelings precise and out       do you good and spark your imagination. Include
                                                                                                          in the open. Keep tabs on your spending and stay      someone you love or make a point of getting to-
                                                                                                          away from those who may be prone to indulgence.       gether with the people you share fond memories
                                                                                                          Make personal improvements that will increase         with. A reunion or a chance to make personal im-
                                                                                                          your confidence and point you in a new direction.      provements will turn out well. 5 stars
                                                                                                          4 stars
                                                                                                                                                                CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You can make an
                                                                                                          CANCER (June 21-July 22): Take a walk down            unusual discovery that will help you improve your
                                                                                                          a path that will teach you self-awareness or give     reputation or current professional position. Check
                                                                                                          you inner strength. Be receptive to alternatives and  out a job prospect that grabs your attention. Start-
                                                                                                          look for ways to incorporate positive changes into    ing your own business or having a side job that you
                                                                                                          your everyday routine. Don’t be afraid to be differ-  enjoy will pay off. 3 stars
                                                                                                          ent. 3 stars
                                                                                                                                                                AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): A subtle physi-
                                                                                                          LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):                                cal change will draw compliments from someone
                                                                                                          Instead of stewing over something that’s gone         special. Express how you would like to see your
                                                                                                          wrong, fix it. Take the initiative and make the        relationship with someone grow, and start putting
                                                                                                          changes that are necessary to make you happy,         plans in motion. The changes you make will help
                                                                                                          healthy and in control. An important relationship     you improve your vocational prospects. 3 stars
                                                                                                          will take a positive turn. 3 stars
                                                                                                                                                                PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Getting together with
                                                                                                          VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Listen, assess situa-       someone who can help you develop your profes-
                                                                                                          tions and hold steady until you are certain that the  sional skills will pay off. Taking a unique approach
                                                                                                          move you make will take you where you want to go.     to something you love to do will draw attention
                                                                                                          Don’t believe everything you hear. Question your      and unexpected considerations that could lead to
                                                                                                          beliefs and act responsibly. 3 stars                  greater income. 3 stars
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