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SPORTSMonday 21 March 2016

Djokovic, Azarenka roll to easy title wins at Indian Wells

BETH HARRIS                     Serena Williams, left, jokes as Victoria Azarenka, of Belarus, right, poses with the trophy after a  12 break chances. “I have
AP Sports Writer                                                                                                                     to go for it,” Azarenka said.
INDIAN WELLS, Calif. (AP) —     finals match at the BNP Paribas Open tennis tournament, Sunday, March 20, 2016, in Indian Wells,     “She’s not a type of player
Novak Djokovic and Victo-                                                                                                            that if you’re going to play
ria Azarenka rolled to easy     Calif. Azarenka won, 6-4, 6-4.                                   Associated Press                    safe she’s going to give
victories in the BNP Paribas                                                                                                         it to you or she’s going to
Open on Sunday, with the        tively attractive.” Williams     and was never broken.           3-0 in the second set, Wil-         miss. You really have to go
top-ranked Serb collecting                                       “He’s the best returner prob-   liams returned to her seat          out there and take away
his record fifth title and Az-  objected, saying, “Those         ably of all time,” Raonic       and smashed her racket.             because there is nothing
arenka winning for the sec-                                      said. Raonic was bothered       Trailing 5-1, Williams won          coming easy.” The crowd,
ond time to get back into       remarks are very much mis-       by an injury shortly after the  three straight games and            including Queen Latifah,
the world’s top 10.                                              match began, although           held two break points on            was eager to support Wil-
Djokovic beat Milos Ra-         taken and very, very, very       afterward he wasn’t sure        Azarenka’s serve in the last        liams. One fan held up a
onic 6-2, 6-0 to improve his                                     what was wrong. He was          game. But Williams end-             sign reading, “Go Serena.
match record to 22-1 this       inaccurate.” Azarenka also       playing his first event since   ed the match with three             We straight outta Comp-
year. It was the Serb’s third                                    a thigh injury in the Austra-   straight errors. “Just unex-        ton,” in a nod to the gang-
consecutive title in the        expressed disappointment.        lian Open semis in Janu-        pected nerves maybe. I              infested  Los  Angeles  sub-
California desert, breaking                                      ary. “I don’t think it affect-  definitely didn’t expect to         urb where the Williams sis-
a tie with four-time cham-      Djokovic and Azarenka            ed my effort,” he said. “I      be on that stage again,”            ters learned to play tennis.
pion Roger Federer, who                                          thought he played much          said Williams, who was              Williams was bidding to
lost to Djokovic the past       each earned $1.02 million.       better than I did.” Clearly     back at Indian Wells after          become the first woman
two years in the final and                                       the crowd favorite, Williams    ending her 14-year boy-             to win three titles at Indian
skipped this year because       Djokovic needed an hour,         gave fans little to cheer       cott last year. It was Aza-         Wells, where she won in
of a knee injury.                                                about on an unseasonable        renka’s first victory over the      1999 and 2001. After get-
“I’m just glad to be able to    17 minutes to dispatch           91-degree (32 C) day while      top-ranked Williams since           ting booed heavily while
raise the level of my game                                       making 33 unforced errors.      the Cincinnati final in Au-         beating Kim Clijsters for her
as the tournament pro-          Raonic, whose big serve          After getting broken to trail   gust 2013. She will move up         last title here, she vowed
gresses, and that’s some-                                                                        seven spots to No. 8 in the         never to return. That year
thing that I have been          got broken five times. The                                       rankings released Monday,           the Williams sisters were
doing in the last two years                                                                      her first time back in the          supposed to meet in a
particularly on the big         25-year-old  Canadian                                            top 10 since August 2014.           semifinal, but Venus with-
events,” Djokovic said.                                                                          Azarenka, who won here              drew shortly before the
Azarenka defeated error-        served just four aces and                                        in 2012, hit just 10 winners        match with a knee injury.
prone Serena Williams 6-4,                                                                       and had 20 unforced errors          The crowd reacted harshly
6-4. Azarenka’s victory and     had 27 unforced errors. His                                      in the 2-hour match. She            and their father Richard
Williams’ return to the final                                                                    connected on 60 percent             said he heard racial taunts.
for the first time since 2001,  first serve averaged 128                                         of her first serves and broke       “Obviously the last time I
when a hostile crowd trig-                                                                       Williams’ serve three times.        was there was probably
gered her 14-year boycott,      mph — much faster than                                           Williams converted just 1 of        the worst moment of my
was overshadowed by                                                                                                                  whole career. Not prob-
comments from tourna-           Djokovic’s 111 mph — but                                                                             ably. Sure,” Williams said.
ment director Raymond                                                                                                                “To be back out there,
Moore. Earlier Sunday, he       he connected on only 55                                                                              which I never thought I
criticized the WTA Tour                                                                                                              would be, was really dif-
and its players, saying they    percent. The Serb landed                                                                             ferent and special. I was
“ride on the coattails of                                                                                                            overwhelmed with emo-
the men” while describing       68 percent of his first serves                                                                       tions and nerves.” Williams’
the women as “physically                                                                                                             low-key persona was in di-
attractive and competi-                                                                                                              rect contrast to her usual
                                                                                                                                     fist-pumping and screams
                                                                                                                                     of “Come on!” She hit just
                                                                                                                                     22 winners. Azarenka and
                                                                                                                                     Williams met for the 21st
                                                                                                                                     time in their careers, with
                                                                                                                                     Williams owning a 17-4
                                                                                                                                     edge. The only player she
                                                                                                                                     has faced more in her ca-
                                                                                                                                     reer is her older sister, who
                                                                                                                                     watched grim-faced from
                                                                                                                                     a box after losing early in
                                                                                                                                     her return to Indian Wells
                                                                                                                                     for the first time since 2001.
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