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6 DONDERDAG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         AMIGOE
       11 JUNI 2015

vents                                             Amigoe Express is a daily publication in English by Uitgeverij Amigoe N.V.
                                                  Every Thursday Amigoe will publish various articles featured during the past week.

                                              More than meets the eye

                               Avantia Damberg

NIGHTLIFE                      “This world is but a canvas to our imagination.” The traditional definition of art for many
                               people is a painting or a sculpture; sometimes there might even be others who define
Kachaka Thursday               art with poems, music, and film. For some artists, the stereotypical way in which the
June 11, 10 PM                 public defines and categorizes art is limited and narrow minded. Avantia Damberg
The Alley                      defines art as “a way of looking at things and sharing it.”
Acoustic Meanings
June 12, 8 PM                  By Francis Koolman                                                           These are the names of families native to Curaçao
Bar 27                                                                                                      for a number of generations. And the names are
Skylar Dayne                   Taking that statement into consideration, you suddenly                       strategically placed where the family originally set-
June 12, 11 PM                 open up what art could possibly be; an unusual yet dis-                      tled. “The people of Curaçao form Curaçao,” and
27 Bar                         tinct way of working with materials or even the sound of                     that is the message conveyed in the piece.
Downtown Beach Party           someone’s voice combined with a seemingly unrelated
June 12, 9 PM                  photo. In the end, the point of the kind of art that Avantia                 For artists like Avantia, art is a constantly evolving pro-
Cafe de Tijd                   produces is to share her experience and expression of                        cess. When a certain idea pops into their head and the
Eric Calmes Quartet            the world with everyone around in a way that can be de-                      idea starts to become reality, it also starts to change
June 13, 10 PM                 scribed as “out of the box.”                                                 and morph into something completely different from
Miles Jazz Café                                                                                             where it all began. In one of Avantia’s recent exhibitions
Jilly’z Band                   The way in which Avantia career began and evolved                            titled, “A Bird Told Me,” the main idea and inspiration is
June 13, 5 PM                  makes her approach to art more grounded and relatable.                       birds. A signature piece of the exhibit is an unconven-
Zanzi Bar                      Similar to many people who follow their passion in life, it                  tional sculpture, but is actually a bird bath. Avantia took
Groove Lounge Sunset at        started as “just a hobby.” Instead of spending money she                     plastic pipes, porcelain, and string, and created a sculp-
the Beach                      didn’t have on gifts for her parents – birthdays, Christ-                    ture that looks similar to the features of a bird; different
June 13, 5 PM                  mas, or a special occasion – she would paint portraits of                    color strings to represent the different color feathers that
Baya Beach                     them. Instead of giving them an expensive trinket, she                       some birds have, a pointed end made out of porcelain
Ephrem J Ft G-Lo               shared her love and passion with them. While many                            that looks very much like a bird’s beak. With a simple
June 17, 7.30 PM               parents might not want their child to pursue a living in                     idea, the creative process flows through the artist and
Zanzi Bar                      something as uncertain as being an artist, Avantia was                       you end up with something new and unique.
Plane                          lucky enough to have parents that supported her deci-
June 19, 11 PM                 sion from day one.                                                           The way Avantia views it, “being your own boss” is an as-
Bar 27                                                                                                      pect of the artistic lifestyle that cannot be underestimated.
Sueño de una Noche             Many of the art pieces Avantia produces are more                             She can make her own schedule that best suits her as an
de Verano                      than what you see at first glance. In sharing an idea, a                     artist. Working in the twilight hours, when everyone else
June 19, 7 PM                  thought, or emotion, the art piece reflects back onto the                    sleeping seems to work best for her. Absent of external
Landhuis Chobolobo             viewer. In one of Avantia’s works titled “Map of Cura-                       distractions and stimulation, Avantia can create, tweak,
Op Zun Kop                     çao”, you see at first exactly that, just a depiction of the                 and/or rework ideas and concepts. Having the freedom
June 19, 10 pm                 island. By taking a closer look, you see many names                          to express her artistic self in the way she sees fit makes
The Hangover                   familiar to the island; Maduro, Martina, Pieternella.                        the long hours all worth it in the end.
The John Morgan Band
June 20, 5 PM                                                                                                                                                                       IN tShPeOT LIGHT
Zanzi Bar
Rock ‘n Ribs                                                                      Foto: Kokomo Beach                                                                                Leanne Wong was born and in
June 20, 11 PM                                                                                                                                                                      1982, and grew up here. She
Bar 27                                                                                                                                                                              comes from a multicultural fam-
Haring party                                                                                                                                                                        ily. “Even though as a kid I was
June 24, 7 PM                                                                                                                                                                       very involved in art and dance,
Servir Frais                                                                                                                                                                        I always knew that I wanted to
Leo Martis & Friends                                                                                                                                                                be a doctor, so I did everything
June 24, 7.30 PM                                                                                                                                                                    to ensure that my dream job
Zanzi Bar                                                                                                                                                                           would become a reality.”
Exit Party
June 26, 10 PM                 It’s all about having fun!                                                                                                 Foto: John Jairo Herrera  By Rushanette Martis
District 1850
Amsterdam City Opening                                                                                      Cheers to a wonderful 50 Hours event!                                   As a kid, Leanne was very much into danc-
Party                                                                                                                                                                               ing and performing. She took ballet, jazz
June 26, 10 PM                                                Foto: Kokomo Beach                                                                                                    and singing classes, and used to sing in        love with it. Leanne decided she wanted to      Leanne Wong
Amsterdam City                                                                                                                                                                      Ramon Williams’ choir. Aside from singing       specialize in plastic surgery after graduating
                               Eccentric make up...oh la la!                                                                                                                        and dancing, she also participated in differ-   in 2009.
I love Hip Hop and R&B                                                                                                                                                              ent musicals. But her ultimate dream was
June 27                                                       Foto: Kokomo Beach  “And though he            Little champs                                 Foto: Yasmin Neman        to become a surgeon. Growing up, she            This was easier said than done. To be able
Club Elevate                                                                      be but little, he is                                                                              remained very involved in musicals and art      to specialize in any field as a doctor, you’re
Farley & The Inity Band                                                           fierce” - William                                                                                 and attended the Radulphus College [a high      expected to apply for a job at an academic
June 27, 5 PM                                                                     Shakespear.                                                                                       school] where she easily excelled in all the    hospital, and after being hired, you can
Zanzi Bar                                                                                                                                                                           mathematical and scientific subjects. This      only apply for that specific specialization,
Forest Party                   Opa having fun!                                                                                                                                      came as a plus because they where also          information Leanne didn’t have beforehand.
June 27                                                                                                                                                                             the subjects needed in order to get accepted    After graduation, she got a job at a hospital
Het Achtertuintje                                                                 Foto: John Jairo Herrera                                                Foto: Yasmin Neman        into medical school.                            in the surgical department in order to gain
Curaçao Musical Night                                                                                                                                                                                                               experience. In the meantime, she continued
June 27, 8:30 PM                                                                                            The winners of the Refineria Isla BMX Spring                            After graduating from high school, she was      applying at academic hospitals in the hopes
Landhuis Brakkeput Mei Mei                                                                                  Race!                                                                   accepted at the VU University in Amsterdam      of getting hired, and attended various con-
                                                                                                                                                                                    and moved to the Netherlands in 2002. Prior     ferences, courses and seminars in order to
ART & CULTURE                                                                                                                                                                       to moving to the Netherlands, Leanne had        get her name out there. Specialization spots
                                                                                                                                                                                    never set foot in an actual surgery room or     are limited and there are only 15 open slots
Comedy factory                                                                                                                                                                      a hospital. She didn’t have any experience      throughout the country, every other year.
June 12, 8 PM                                                                                                                                                                       with nursing or any other job related to the    Leanne continued to apply, even though the
Mambo Beach                                                                                                                                                                         medical world, either. Adapting to her new      odds where against her. After a year or two,
Restaurantweek Curaçao                                                                                                                                                              life wasn’t really a problem as she had al-     she started working as an unspecialized sur-
Till June 14                                                                                                                                                                        ways been independent, taking care of her-      geon in the plastic surgery department.
Participating restaurants                                                                                                                                                           self from a very young age, and had a good      Then, she slowly realized that maybe it was
Curaçao, A Melting Pot                                                                                                                                                              support system. The one issue she came          time to change her vision, and to specialize
June 12 - 14                                                                                                                                                                        across, was her lack of experience and          in cosmetic medicine. She enjoyed it, and
WTC                                                                                                                                                                                 knowledge of the medical world.                 the differences between cosmetic medicine
Richard Groenendijk                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and plastic surgery are minimal. Leanne is
‘Met de mantel der liefde’                                                                                                                                                          Life as a university student is different from  currently specializing in cosmetic medicine
June 13, 8.30 PM                                                                                                                                                                    high school; you’re expected to figure out      and is scheduled to finalize her specializa-
Brakkeput Mei Mei                                                                                                                                                                   a lot of things on your own. Even though        tion next year.
Health & Beauty & Fashion                                                                                                                                                           she came across a few obstacles, she really
Workshop Ages 13-18                                                                                                                                                                 enjoyed her studies. However, after having      Leanne is happy with the course her career
June 13, 9 AM - 7 PM                                                                                                                                                                interned in the surgery department, she de-     path has taken her. She is focused on final-
The Golden Eye                                                                                                                                                                      cided she didn’t want to be a surgeon, after    izing her specialization, and hopes to return
Un Kanto Pa Kòrsou                                                                                                                                                                  all. She thought the world of dermatology       to her dushi Curaçao, one day.
June 14                                                                                                                                                                             was more appealing, but due to school rules,
Brakkeput Mei Mei                                                                                                                                                                   she wasn’t able to intern in a dermatology
Miss Curaçao Teenager                                                                                                                                                               department, and opted for plastic surgery,
2015: SHE Model                                                                                                                                                                     instead. Little did she know she would fall in
June 14, 7 PM - 9 PM
Renaissance resort
Sueño de una noche
de verano
June 19, 9 PM
Landhuis Chobolobo
Loke m’a laga’tras exhibition
Till July 4
Landhuis Bloemhof
Guera na Korsou?!
Till July 12
Curaçao Museum

                               Let’s dance!
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