Page 12 - Binder1
P. 12                                                                                              DIABIERNA 24 DECEMBER 2021| 21

       Den gabinete Rutte:

       Misterio ken lo re-emplasá Raymond Knops awor!

       WILLEMSTAD - “Pájaronan de mal aguero” tin tur
       kaminda pa uza nan influensia negativo manera por
       ehempel e spekulashon ta kua politiko Hulandes lo re-
       emplasa Raymond Knops komo  Sekretario di Estado
       responsabel pa relashonnan den Reino ounke for di
       ayera mainta tempran e rumor a lanta kabes ku ta un
       tal Kees Verhoeven lo bai okupá e funshon te ora Kees
       mes a lansa un mensahe ku a bira virtual i ku tambe
       virtualmente a spat tur spekulashon for di otro ku e lo
       asumi e kargo.

       Kees Verhoeven a manda un mensahe personal pa tur
       hende kompronde ku e no ta interesa den un puesto
       ministerial i sigur no den e kartera di Digitalisashon,
       pasobra e no tin basta peso p’e dediká su mes full time
       n’esaki so.                                                             Knops ta sin base ounke nada ta sigur ni definitivo den
       Ademas tin otro asuntunan ku mester di su atenshon                      mundu politiko Hulandes.
       mas urgente manera e hecho ku su kasá a kaba di haña                    Un kos sí ta sigur, no kabe duda ku entre e politikonan
       yuchi i esei ta un tema ku e no tin intenshon di  neglishá.             na Hulanda ora tin rumor ta sirkulá ta pasobra el a sali
                                                                               for di fuente digno di kredito.
       E kandidato pa Minister mes di Relashon den Reino ta                    E Minister nobo di Relashon den Reino ta Franc
       Franc Weerwind, kende ta un politiko profeshonal ku a                   Weerwind (D66), kende tabata alkalde di Velsen i
       hasi karera impreshonante i ku aktualmente ta alkalde                   promé ku esei alkalde di varios siudat Hulandes i
       na Almere.                                                              praktikamente ta un alkalde profeshonal ku bon
       Pues e spekulashon ku Kees Verhoeven lo remplasa                        reputashon.

                    Those we love can never be                  Left to mourn are his:
                     more than a thought away.                  Wife:                 Sebastiana Beatrix Heyer Koeiman.
                      For as long as there is a                 Daughters:            Unita Koeiman Wisotsky
                     memory they will always live                                     Maninga Koeiman Capehart
                        in our hearts to stay.                                        Metaki Koeiman
                                                                Son:                  Algesu K. Koeiman
             With deep sorrow we announce the                   Daugter in law:   Laura Koeiman
                             passing of                         Sons in law:          Rolston WisotskyMike Capehart, Bryan Elisabeth.

                                                                Grandchildren:   Makaida Duinkerk, Aldijah Koeiman,

                                                                                      Alani Koeiman, Aliya Koeiman, Alyssa Koeiman,
                                                                                      Ciara Capehart, Kaila Capehart, Sakandi Chandler,
                                                                                      Nubis Chandler
                                                                Great grand daughter:  Kehlani Charles
                                                                Brothers:             Nando de Graf and others
                                                                Cousins:              too numerous to mention
                                                                Special friends:   Ruby and Sam, Cynthy & Max Gumbs,

                                                                Irwin Kingshill, Naise Lee & Johannes Brown.
                                                                Families:             Koeiman, Heyer, Warner, Capehart, Duinkerk, de
                                                                Graf, Payne, Wisotsky, Chandler, Myers, York

                                                                The funeral will take place on monday december 27th 2021 at the
                                                                Pray Funeral Home in San Nicolaas.
                                                                The viewing starts at 1 pm to 4pm and the enternment will be at the

                Jesus Maria Koeiman                             central cemetary in Sabana Basora.

            better known as: “Alfonso, Fonso” or “Fon”          Please excuse us if in our time of bereavement
                    *05-04-1943 †17-12-2021                     we may have forgotten to mention any family member.
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