Page 9 - Protocol for seeing Covid 19 Patients for Home Care and Hospice
P. 9

Donning and Doffing of Personal Protective Equipment

                                                         Assess where the patient is located.   Maintain 6 feet away from other family members
                                                         Ensure patient is wearing a mask.     of caregivers unless needed for safety.
                          Step 3: Enters home
                                                         Close door if patient is in a separate   Ensure patient and CG are aware of how to
                                                         room.                                 properly perform hand hygiene.
                                                         Perform Hand hygiene                  Soap and water and scrub for at least 20 seconds
                          Step 4: Pre- Donning
                                                                                               OR use Alcohol- based hand rub
                                                         Fully cover torso from neck to knees,   Do not make the ties too tight.
                                                         arms to end of wrists, and wrap
                          Step 5: Don Gown              around the back

                                                         Fasten behind neck and waist
                                                         Goggles or Face Shield
                           Step 6: Don Goggles or Face
                                                        Place over face and eyes and adjust to
                                                         fit snuggly
                                                         Extend glove cuff to cover wrist of the
                          Step 7: Don Gloves
                          Step 8: Patient Care          Proceed with patient care             *Utilize patient’s materials if applicable.
                           Procedure to Doff
                                                         Outside of gloves is contaminated!!   Do not snap the glove
                                                               Grasp outside of glove with
                                                                 opposite gloved hand; peel off
                                                               Hold removed gloved in gloved
                           Step 1: Doffing Gloves                hand, in a ball
                                                               Slide fingers of ungloved hand
                                                                 under remaining glove at wrist
                                                                 and roll down to capture both
                                                         Discard gloves in garbage bag.
                                                         Outside of goggle or face shield is
                           Step 2: Doffing Goggles and/or
                                                        To remove, handle by head band or
                           Face Shield
                                                         ear pieces
                                                         Place in designated receptacle

        Rev. 3/27/2020
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