P. 32

Nouns, adjectives and adverbs


                                    Complete  these  sentences  using  too  or  not  ...  enough.
                                        1   I  can't  walk  any  further  -  I'm  ..too  tired...  (tired)
                                        2  I'm  sorry.  You're  .not  old.enough  to  see  this  film.  (old)
                                        3  It's                             to  work  here.  Let's  go  to  the  library.

                                        4  Ian  was                             to  get  into  the  swimming  team.
                                        5  Your handwriting  is                            to  read,  (small)

                                        6  I'm  afraid  we  can't  buy  that  computer.  It's
                                        7  I  don't  think  George  should  get  the  new  job  -  he's

                                        8  Those jeans  are                             to  wear  to  the  party.
                                        9  We  couldn't  talk  to  each  other  in  the pub  -  the  music  was

                                        10  Can  you help  me  with  this  bottle?  I'm                     to
                                           open it.  (strong)

                  24   Participial adjectives (bored/boring)

                                   •  Note  the  difference:
                                      I was bored.
                                      The  lesson was  boring.
                                      It  is  not possible to  say:  The lesson  was bored.
                                      It  is  possible to  say:  She  was boring.


                                   Circle  the  correct  word  in  each  sentence.
                                        1  It was  a  very [interested^      performance.
                                       2   We  were  all  very       'interesting)  in  what  he  said.

                                        3  It was  a very  {tired/tiring)  journey.
                                       4   We  were  all  very  [worried/worrying).
                                        5  The  children  are  [frightening/frightened)  by  the  animals.

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