P. 64


                                            11  He  /  come  to  see  you  /  tomorrow.

                                            12  Mr  and  Mrs  Green  /  go  away  /  three  weeks.

                                            13  We  /  have  a party  /  Saturday.

                                            14  I  /  see  her  again  /  next  week.

                                            15  You  /  play  football  /  this  week?

                      48   going to

                                        Positive                Question                Negative
                                                                                               am  not
                                         I    am  ('m)          Am I                     I
                                                                                               ('m  not)
                                         He   is                     he                  He    is not
                                         She           going to  Is  she   going to pay?  She  (isn't)  going to pay.
                                         It   ('s)     pay.          it                  It    C's not)

                                         We   are                    we                  We    are not
                                         You  ('re)             Are you                  You   (aren't)
                                         They                        they                They ('re  not)

                                          To  talk  about  a  planned  future  action:
                                          I'm going  to  see my parents  on Saturday.
                                          (This  use  is  similar  to  present continuous  time  word  Exercise  47.)
                                        •  To  talk  about  something  in the  future  which  we  can  see  as  a  result  of
                                          something  happening  now:
                                          Look at those clouds.  It's going  to  rain.
                                          That  man on  the  bike is  going  to fall  off.
                                        •  To  make statements  about  the  future  in  a  neutral  way:
                                          Alan's  going  to  finish  his  exams on  Friday.
                                          Jenny's  going  to  be  five  next  week.
                                          I'm going  to  work  for a  television  company.
                                          (The  future  simple  is  also  used  for  the  purpose  >  Exercise  50.)

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