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#JOMO ™                                                                             P Did He? ™
                                                                     NEW                                                                                 NEW

                                                             Item: 20114
                                                             Quantity: 6pc
                                                             CDU Available
                                                                                               How well do you know Puff Daddy? No…Puff Diddy? Or is
                                                                                               it...P Puffy??! The self-proclaimed King of New York and
                                                                                               certified Bad Boy for Life has done some crazy ass sh*t.
                                                                                               And this true or false game sets you the task of separating   Item: 19129
                                                                                               the acts Diddy did from those that other rappers did.  Quantity: 12pc
                                                                                                                                           Prepacked in CDU

                                                                                            Celebrity Scandals ™
               The time for #FOMO is over. Welcome to the age of #JOMO.
               Fed up with having to attend events that you hate? Would you                                                                              NEW
               rather stay in and TikTok , update your Instagram  stories or
               watch Netflix ?
               Well then, this is the party game for you. Simply find the
               funniest excuses to get out of life’s most mundane moments.
               It’s really that simple.

                                                                                               We all love a celebrity scandal. And some of the quotes
                                                                                               that come with them are just as iconic. Celebrity Scandals
                                                                                               is the quotes-based game that gets you deciding who’s
                                                                                               got tiger blood, who didn’t have sexual relations with that
                                                                                               woman and to whom Kim Kardashian owes life.   Item: 20118
                                                                                                                                             Quantity: 12pc
   8                                                                                                                                         Prepacked in CDU        9
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