Page 15 - Reading Success B5
P. 15

A daily newspaper brings you the written word about news happenings all over
             the world. Wherever a big event is taking place, a news reporter is very likely

             there, reporting details of the story. A newspaper’s job is to get that news to its
             readers as  accurately    and as quickly as possible.
               Newspapers are printed to give fast information to its readers. Just a glance at

             the front page can give a newspaper reader a quick indication of the important
             events occurring around the world. Each story is written in such a fashion that the
             reader can get the essential facts quickly. The first paragraph of the story usually

             contains most of the key facts. Newspaper writers call these facts the five w’s: the
             who, what, where, when, and why of a story.
               There is much more in a newspaper besides straight news reports. Editorials

             have the newspaper editor’s or owner’s opinions about different subjects. Columns
             are articles written regularly about special topics   such as politics or gardening

               by writers who are familiar with these topics. Feature stories entertain or inform
             readers with information that may not be current news. A common type of feature
             story is the travel article, which tells readers about faraway places. Cartoons and

             comic strips provide entertainment.
               Newspapers are often divided into sections  according to      subject matter. For

             example, banking and stock market news are often found in the financial section of
             a newspaper. Other sections may be devoted to entertainment, real estate, food,
             sports, and travel news.

               The price you pay for a newspaper usually covers only a fraction of the cost of
             its production. Newspapers make most of their money from advertisements. The
             two main kinds of advertisements are called display advertisements and classified

             advertisements. Display ads usually take up several columns of space and contain
             pictures as well as facts. Businesses use display ads to promote their products.
             Classified ads are lists of items, set in small type. They are set under headings,

             such as “Help Wanted” or “For Sale,” in a particular section of the paper.

               Main Idea
             What is the main idea of this story?

             a. importance of reading daily newspaper

             b. enormous profit gain of daily newspaper companies
             c. purpose of printing daily newspapers and how they are composed

             d. advertisements in newspapers

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