Page 2 - Reading Success B5
P. 2

Unit 1


                        Before You Read

                            1. Where is Stonehenge located?

                            2. What are some of the predictions about Stonehenge?


                         Match the words with their definitions.

                             a. monument                1. extraordinarily large

                             b. archaeologist           2. something erected in memory of a person, or

                             c. humongous               3. not scientifically explainable

                             d. paranormal              4. of an exceptional or astonishing degree
                             e. debunk                  5. devoted to a cause, ideal, or purpose

                             f. colossal                6. to expose the sham or falseness of

                             g. dedicated               7. someone who studies past civilations and
                                                           their artifacts

                                                                                                       unit 1_5
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