Page 24 - Reading Success B5
P. 24

Word Check-Up

                                           Put the correct word in the blank.

                                             a. Nelson Mandela was born in ________ ________.
                                             b. ________ is the capital of England.
                                             c. Curry is a famous ________ dish.

                         South Africa        d. ________ is located on the continent of Asia.


                         accomplish        Write the correct synonyms.

                         laborer                a. peasant

                                                b. achieve
                                                c. practice
                                                d. disagree

                            Word Search. Context Clues

                         Use the clues to find vocabulary words or their other word forms in the
                          puzzle. Circle each word. Then write the word to complete the sentence.

                                                            1. If you want to _________ a healthy life,
                         EQ N P C G S G A O Y T
                         MQ T B Y A V F R G M U                exercise regularly.
                         EA E V X M B L D I D B
                                                            2. Classical music makes my mind _________.
                         TD D N H H Z I N O Y O
                         HA M Y U E W F Z R J L             3. There are many _________ to quit smoking.
                         O AEZ J G L K R L A U              4. The Mexican _________ of celebrating a
                         DU I C E U V H P K Q F
                                                               girl’s 15 birthday is called Quinceañera.
                         SZ U G E Y D N T L N E
                         QV X N M N M O T S U C             5. The _________ of advertising on our lives
                         HV C A T X E I C Z S A
                                                               has changed over the years.
                         AE Z J U H R M S S W E
                         FJ O X E V E I H C A P

                                                                                                     unit 4_27
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