Page 2 - HP3B 012 Leonardo Da Vinch
P. 2

1. Birth

            Leonardo da Vinci was born in

            1452, April 15th in the Tuscany

            hillside town of  Vinci, hence

            the surname da Vinci, which

            literally means “from the town

            of  Vinci” in Italian. He was born

            in an affluent middle class gentry

            family and a peasant mother out                                                                                              mother, until moving to his

            of  wedlock. He spent his early                                                                                              father's household in 1457. His

            years in the hamlet of  Anchiano,                                                                                            father had remarried many times,

            which was the home of  his                                                                                                   and by the time the last half

                                                                                                                                         sibling of  Leonardo was born, he
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