Page 8 - HP1A 003 Armenian Language And The Inoovation Of Armenian Alphabet
P. 8

be used as a literary language until   Empires. Wester n Ar menian

 the late 19th century.  developed among Armenians who

         had moved to Constantinople, while

 The Armenian used between about   Eastern Armenian developed among

 the 11th and 15th century is known   Armenians living in Tbilisi in

 as Middle Armenian and contains   Georgia. Many newspapers in each

 more loanwords from Arabic,   of  the variants were published and

 Turkish, Persian, and Latin.  many schools for each variety were

         set up. This resulted in widespread

 The two main modern forms of    literacy and to an increase in the

 Armenian emerged during the   amount of  literature written in

 19th century when the traditional   modern Armenian, rather than in the

 Armenian homeland was divided   classical language.

 between the Russian and Ottoman
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