Page 10 - Reading Success B8
P. 10
Reading Questions
Choose the best answer.
1. According to the article, the Chinese used rockets in
a. war b. funerals
c. parties d. none of the above
2. What information is given first in the article?
a. The earliest known record of the use of real rockets was in the war
between the Chinese and Mongols in 1232.
b. The stick served as a guide that kept the rocket moving forward in the
same direction throughout its flight.
c. Chinese tossed the bamboo tubes into fires to create explosions during
religious festivals.
d. At the battle of Kai-Keng, the Chinese fired a barrage of flaming rockets to
the invading Mongol horsemen.
3. Why were the gunpowder tubes able to launch themselves?
a. The power made by the escaping gas allowed the tubes to launch.
b. When the tubes were ignited, the sulfur allowed the tubes to launch.
c. The charcoal dust allowed the tubes to launch when the tubes were
sprinkled with saltpeter.
d. none of the above
4. What did the Chinese have that the Mongols did not have at the battle
of Kai-Keng?
a. gunpowder b. arrows
c. rockets d. tubes
5. What would have happened if the Chinese did not have the rocket
a. They might not have won the battle.
b. They probably wouldn’t have been able to conquer lands.
c. They might be a different country today.
d. all of the above
6. Which sentence uses the word arrows in the same way it is used in
the article?
a. Please arrow in a comment between the paragraphs.
b. Follow the arrow to find the rest area.
c. The archeologists found an arrow that was once used in the Trojan War.
d. none of the above
unit 2_13