Page 4 - Reading Success B8
P. 4

Reading Questions

                         Choose the best answer.

                           1. How is lightening defined as a scientific term?

                             a. a thundercloud
                             b. a visible discharge of atmospheric electricity
                             c. a gigantic electrical collector

                             d. a charge of positive electricity

                           2. What information was given first in the article?
                             a. A spark traveling from a cloud to the ground produces forked lightning.

                             b. Each drop grows bigger as moisture in the air condenses it.
                             c. When the drop reaches a size of about a fifth of inch across, it splits in
                                two, each half still carrying its positive charge.
                             d. The sound of the explosion travels more slowly than the lightning flash.

                           3. What does a spark traveling from a cloud to the ground produce?
                             a. lightning                                    b. forked lightning
                             c. thunderclouds                                d. sheet lightning

                           4. What is the difference between sheet lightning and forked lightning?
                             a. Sheet lightning is produced when spark from one part of a thundercloud to
                                another. Forked lightning is produced when a spark travels from a cloud to
                                the ground.

                             b. Sheet lightning is produced when there is a visible discharge of
                                atmospheric electricity. Forked lightning is produced when there isn’t any
                                visible discharge of atmospheric electricity.

                             c. Sheet lightning is louder than forked lightning.
                             d. none of the above

                           5. What could happen if a person was hit by lightning?

                             a. He or she will die from cardiac arrest.
                             b. He or she will experience a loss of consciousness.
                             c. He or she will experience temporary paralysis.
                             d. all of the above

                           6. Which sentence uses the word  discharge          in the same way it is used
                             in the article?
                             a. The patient was discharged after being hospitalized for a month.
                             b. Kevin discharged his gun without a warning.

                             c. The soldier was discharged from his military service.
                             d. none of the above

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