Page 42 - Reading Success B8
P. 42

Word Check-Up

                                           Put the correct word in the blank.

                                             a. Many different religions around the world have many
                                                different _________.

                         intellectual        b. A good summer drink is a _________ of iced tea and
                         merge               c. The valuables stored in the city’s treasury were the chief
                                                _________ for the invaders.
                         teacher             d. After he graduated at the top of his class, many people

                                                called him an _________.

                                           Write the correct synonyms.
                                                a. incorporate
                                                b. preserve

                                                c. provision

                                                d. tutor

                            Word Search. Context Clues

                         Use the clues to find vocabulary words or their other word forms in the
                          puzzle. Circle each word. Then write the word to complete the sentence.

                                                            a. My math _______ taught me about fractions.
                         KB K J A N O C P Q P N
                         YY E T V O O N X S H Q             b. People _________ meat to stop it from
                         DN V D I      I R N E P I D
                         ZX R H F S S G Z N L V
                         VY EB C I R E A S O N              c. According to _________, it was the only
                         YM S N K V R        I M R S U         acceptable option.
                         BC E J K O O A Z G O D
                                                            d. Not only ancient Greeks studied _________,
                         FU R A S R T        I J U P Z
                         KA PY I P U N F D H A                 but also many modern people.
                         UW Y V M K T N N F Y B
                                                            e. Having a paid vacation was a _________ of
                         XB H E R O M D Y B S S
                         VL C N B U Z Z W M V W                my contract.

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