Page 15 - HP1B 004 About Canada
P. 15

The forested Canadian Shield is a huge                                                                                       highest are the Rocky Mountains, with

            region that wraps around Hudson Bay.                                                                                         snow-covered peaks reaching 3,954

            Long ago, glaciers scraped the area                                                                                          meters (13,000 ft ) In between the

            clean of  soil and exposed the rocky                                                                                         mountains are fertile valleys where

            surface. When the glaciers melted,                                                                                           farmers grow fruit and other crops. To

            thousands of  lakes formed. Within                                                                                           the north of  all these regions and their

            this wet region lies a cold, marshy area                                                                                     forests lies the Arctic tundra, where

            known as the Hudson Bay lowlands.                                                                                            freezing temperatures prevent any

            The interior plains are grasslands in                                                                                        trees from growing.

            the south and forests in the north.

            Today the grasslands are used for

            raising livestock and growing grains.

            In the far west is the Cordillera region

            with great mountain chains. The
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