Page 9 - HP1B 004 About Canada
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France and England. Before Canada over the years, but many who live in
became a country, these people settled them continue to maintain traditional
separate colonies that were often culture, For example, they teach about
at war with each other. They had their history and learn to speak Native
different languages and religions, but languages .
eventually the groups learned to get Through the years, many immigrants
along. Because of this, Canada has two came from Germany and other
official languages: French and English. European countries, as well as China,
Most Canadian Native peoples India, the Americas, and the Middle
belong to three groups: First Nations, East.
the Inuit, and the Métis (may-TEE). While richly diverse, this vast country
First Nations people and Métis live is sparsely populated. Probably due
throughout the country, and the Inuit to better farmland and access to
continue to live in the far north. Life waterways, most of its population,
in Native communities has changed around 90 percent, by some estimates,