Page 5 - HP3B 010 the sun and the moon
P. 5

to see the light, he wanted to own                                                                                           Happy with his idea, the old man

            it. He sat down in front of  the                                                                                             walked back home, where he saw

            young man’s home for a while,                                                                                                his two daughters in the faint

            thinking and thinking. How could                                                                                             light of  the flickering embers

            he get the young man to give him                                                                                             from the fireplace. He called up

            some of  his light?                                                                                                          his oldest daughter, as she was the

            He thought of  his two younger                                                                                               smartest and most mature of  the

            daughters, and realised that                                                                                                 two.

            perhaps  the  man was  lonely.                                                                                               “Sweetheart, do you want to see

            Surely their company would                                                                                                   something magical?” He asked.

            brighten his day, and maybe then

            he would let his daughters keep

            the light.
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