Page 8 - HP3B 005 Androclus and the Lion
P. 8

to himself, “Does he want me to

         help him?” When the lion was close

         enough, he stretched his right front

         leg. Androclus looked at the poor

         animal’s paw and realized a big sharp

         thorn was pinching the lion every

         time he walked. Slowly but carefully,

 skinny body. But when the lion came   Androclus grabbed the end of  the

 closer, he saw it wasn’t showing any   thorn with his fingers and with a

 signs of  aggression. He only saw the   strong pull, the thorn came out of

 lion walking very uncomfortably.  the animal’s paw. Androclus could

 The lion approached Androclus step   see the animal walking and jumping

 by step. Androclus thought he was   full of  joy, like a happy dog. He then

 asking for something and thought   licked Androclus’ feet and hands.
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