Page 11 - Reading Success B4
P. 11
Reading Questions
Choose the best answer.
1. According to the article, what happened to Magellan during the journey?
a. He settled down in Indonesia, never returning to his homeland.
b. He was shot three times.
c. He disappeared, and reappeared.
d. He was killed.
2. What happens first in the article?
a. Of the 270 crew members who set out with Magellan to go around the
globe, only a few were able to return to Spain and complete the journey.
b. Magellan did not intend to circumnavigate the world, only to find a safe
way through which the Spanish ships could travel to the Spice Islands.
c. Magellan was killed during the journey.
d. Magellan was also the first European to land in the Philippines.
3. After Magellan’s death, who decided to push westwards?
a. Magellan’s seamen
b. Juan Magellan
c. Juan Sebastian Elcano
d. Sebastian Elcano
4. Magellan was the first European to
a. land in the Philippines
b. meet the Philippine natives
c. attempt to sail around the world
d. all of the above
5. Why was finding a new route to the Spice Islands was so important?
a. Asian spices were expensive.
b. Asian spices contained addictive substances that made the Spanish want
c. Magellan was a chef and needed Asian spices for his cooking.
d. Spice Islands contained gold that Spain was looking for at the time.
6. Which sentence uses the word set in the same way it is used in the
a. The girl needs to set a good example to her younger sister.
b. He was ready to set sail on the Titanic.
c. He bought a chess set at the store.
d. Please set your alarm clock before sleeping.
unit 2_13