Page 17 - Reading Success B4
P. 17
Reading Questions
Choose the best answer.
1. How can scientists know what an extinct animal may have looked like?
a. by using a time machine to travel back in time
b. by putting the bones together
c. by studying its footprints
d. by observing what they ate
2. What information is given first in the article?
a. Scientists still continue to study fossils and look for new ones.
b. Scientists study fossils, and fossils are interesting.
c. Fossils can be formed in different ways.
d. A lot of wonderful fossils have been discovered.
3. How can fossils be formed through drying?
a. The skin is preserved because it does not rot when completely dried.
b. Dry animal corpses tend to refrigerate by themselves.
c. When an animal corpse freezes, it automatically dries up and preserves
d. none of the above
4. What can’t the scientists find by looking at fossils?
a. what the animal may have looked like
b. about how old the animal is
c. the skin color of the animal
d. the size of the animal
5. What would happen if an animal died in the freezing arctic?
a. It would be fossilized within a week.
b. The animal would live again when it became unfrozen.
c. It would be frozen and dried.
d. none of the above
6. Which sentence uses the word remains in the same way it is used in
the article?
a. Please remain here until your dad comes to pick you up.
b. You must remain calm during turbulence.
c. On the table were the remains of the evening meal.
d. all of the above
unit 3_19